
Wow. This obviously means a lot to you if you're willing to shit in someone's purse over it. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of purposeful public farting either, but in the end it's really no big deal. It's just some harmless intestinal gas, and has no health implications for bystanders whatsoever.

Dunno... these days, given my experiences thus far with Match, zumba and crocheting doesn't sound so bad. Beats the guy who asked me right out of the gate if he could watch me having sex with another man.

Thanks for this explanation. I had uncritically used the hashtag in two tweets last night and I'm going to delete them now.

I used the hashtag in two tweets: one about my experience carrying a BB gun through my neighborhood when I was a kid and being gently warned by police to take it home, and another tweet to point out that, to me, the hashtag is directed at other white people who still deny that white privilege exists. I certainly did

I think maybe others are misunderstanding what you are saying here. I think - correct me if I'm wrong - you're saying that many people now equate feminism with chauvinism. That is, a feminist is a person who is anti-men. But you are also saying that it is WRONG to equate feminism with chauvinism - feminism is what

Call me literal, but I call it masturbating.

One date with a guy who said "like" every second word. And this is a guy in his 40s.

I have no beef at all with Blake Lively. I just think it looks like a baaaaaad movie, talented actors notwithstanding.

This is one of the worst looking things I've ever seen. You know it's going to be aaaaaawful when the fucking TRAILER needs 60 seconds of exposition to explain itself!

Even seeing her face sends me into a rage spiral. She is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the modern conflation of gossip and entertainment as news. I don't like to say that I hate people, but man does she ever bring me close to the edge. Her show, her "reporting," her smug self-righteousness, the way

Thank you, and thanks also for your rational response. I agree that extenuating circumstances and context should be taken into account. Like you, I also once saw the world in terms of black and white, but experience has taught me that things are almost always somewhere on the gray continuum in between. It's too easy

There's a whole lot of attribution error going in in this thread. That's when, in a situation like this one, those who don't personally know the involved people attribute their actions to internal characteristics and personality flaws, instead of considering external factors and context. It's what we do with friends

Most important tidbit from this article: Mark's dad buys Juicy Couture. Why, Mark? WHY???

I love Mythbusters. I'm bummed that Grant, Kari and Tory were let go. That said: is Grant only 4 feet tall, or are Bellamy and Mr. Flaghumper 7 feet tall?

Thanks! Yeah, that's pretty different... I'm so divided over this. On one hand I feel like it's absolutely nobody's business. On the other, I'm unhappy about a culture that upholds and encourages an unrealistic beauty standard that compels people to turn to enhancements and surgery... especially for a teen! She may

I have pretty plump lips but when I smile my top lip almost completely disappears - kind of like the photo on the left. Maybe if you compared two close-lipped smiles it would be a more apt comparison. Either way, I think it's distressing that this is an object of concern for anyone other than the young woman herself.


I love that the stock photo appears to show someone who has a very unclear idea of what is meant by cursive writing. What's up with that 'r' at the end of 'Dear'? And the print 'S' to which some as-yet unrecognizable letter is being appended?

Wow did you ever misinterpret this letter. She states, explicitly, that she will see this baby again the next time she sees that "little blue plus." She's talking about her next pregnancy. And as others have said, unless she's showing up on your doorstep or lobbying to change laws that affect you, what direct impact

I think that when anybody criticizes anyone, it's revealing more about where they are in time and space as opposed to where you are in time and space. I think generally we tend to lash out if we're in a, you know it's usually a reflection of something else.