And if your cat -really- trusts you when you hold them like this, their spine disintegrates completely and they turn into kitty putty which is, frankly, magic.
And if your cat -really- trusts you when you hold them like this, their spine disintegrates completely and they turn into kitty putty which is, frankly, magic.
nubs, think about the glue fumes
Now if only they’d made scale tweezers for this and found a way to drop that one part on a patterned tile floor never to be seen again....
Maybe play a DPS class instead? Queue times are longer but the stress level is lower.
Yoshida on his anonymous account: “Get out of the fucking orange you scrub!”
One question has always haunted me during my years playing Pokémon. If people eat meat in the Pokémon universe, and…
That was amazing.
As a smaller child who’s parents wouldn’t let him get Gundam kits cause of the price, these were what nurtured my blossoming mecha craze. Now I’m older and currently working on a PG Exia, I still have these kits somewhere in storage.
LEGO has released some unexpected and outlandish themes over the years, and Exo-Force is certainly a standout in…
If it’s felt like something has been missing from Kotaku for the last month, that’s because someone wonderful has…
And still those figures are calling from a link away, Wake you up in the middle of the night just to hear them say
This is not how I thought I’d next see Mr. Freeman.
I’m pretty sure Super Mario World takes place in the “dark” timeline where Toad gets killed by Calamity Bowser.
Does Nintendo get a trophy for having the oddest things accredited to their hardware? GameBoys surviving bomb blasts, Switches finding tumors, Wii remotes used to train surgeons.