
Although I don’t hate it, the Xbone kinda deserves the reputation it gets around here. I’ve had it since like 2016 and have not even played a full game on it. Also do not like the way the controller feels in my hands.

That teeth tunnel is more unnerving than most things I’ve seen in games are supposed to be scary. It makes me think of those nightmares where I’m chewing on my own teeth...

That teeth tunnel is more unnerving than most things I’ve seen in games are supposed to be scary. It makes me think of those nightmares where I’m chewing on my own teeth...

There is an old 1/550 Big Zam kit, but the one in the diorama looks a bit too big to be it. The builder said in the tweets that it's a 1/144 diorama, meaning they had to have scratch built the thing or modded it from other kits and figures.

Now THIS is what I call parenting! Good on the dad for making up for the failures of manufactures/developers who don’t even consider making prioritized equipment for people with disabilities.

I’m sorry for your loss, Stephen. I’m sure that Quimby loved you more than words or meows could ever say. I’ve lost many pets over the years (we’ve pretty much always had pets since I was 7), and it’s never any less painful each time it happens. Our cat Ralph passed away earlier this month. Myself being 24 now, that

I don’t think I’ve played any DoA since the 3DS one. Never played the series in order because when I used to stupidly think that no fighting games had good stories. I barely ever bothered with the story modes. Is the story of DoA worth going through just for the adventure mode in the new game to have proper context?

I love chocolate, and I love ramen, but this looks disgusting. I don’t care how good it tastes, my brain cannot get past the fact that chocolate and ramen are being mixed together, although maybe that’s just my intense dislike for sweetened meat of any kind. I can’t even eat mildly sweet BBQ because it makes me wanna

I saw this the other day and I was utterly mortified about Chris Niosi/Kirbopher. Had no idea the guy was just so.... UGH. I used to be a huge fan of his, but not anymore.

I literally have not watched the Simpsons in about 5 years. Have I missed anything good at all or just this one funny joke from an otherwise mediocre episode?

I keep wanting to go every year but Orlando is kinda far and expensive even for me and I live in FL...

Nobody ever mentions Soma Bringer anymore :( No wonder the translation never got finished. I was playing a fan translation of it years ago, but hit a point where the text was still mostly in Japanese, and therefor couldn’t finish the game. The game was announced for a localization back in like 2010 I think, but it

Call me the world’s pickiest eater or whatever, but I just cannot stomach anything with tomatoes and/or peppers, literally and figuratively. Are there any Indian meals without them? Even if I liked tomatoes and peppers, I still probably wouldn’t eat them because they give me terrible nausea and stomach pain.

I don’t understand why so many people think a show has to be “fun” for it to be good. I used to be one of those people, but watching Eva helped ease me out of that opinion. I loved Evangelion so much that I stayed up from like some time at night until 9 AM watching the whole show from beginning to end. I just could

This is probably the best thing I’ve seen on the internet all year! Not gonna lie, I cried a little watching that wedding profile video, even if I don’t know enough Japanese to fully understand it.

As one of the few people who kinda liked FFXV, this is extremely disappointing. I was looking forward to Aranea and Luna getting the character development they desperately needed. Looks like FFXV just wasn’t profitable enough to SE? What I really want is for SE to realize why the games as a service model sucks, but

I have almost no appetite or taste when I’m sick, so I usually just eat crackers every now and then. Sometimes I eat eggs and toast, but only to get some protein in me, not because I’m hungry. I hate eating when I’m sick. It just feels weird to me and it’s hard to swallow food with a sore throat and mucus coming out

Electric Lumberpatch?

What I want is a better Gundam Wiki. The Fandom one is just outright bad in many cases, and there’s no better alternative, at least as far as I’ve seen. A lot of the info on there is either poorly researched or badly translated from Japanese supplementary material that may or may not even be canon. Speaking of which,