
Yeah, you lose the “mental illness” gambit when you say the reason you abused an innocent is because they a) aren’t yours, and b) your family is “rich and white”.

I swear with all the assholes that need to be killed these days, being a freelance extra-judicial executioner would be enough to keep SEAL Team 6 busy.

These assholes deserve to go to jail

HOA = Heaps of Assholes

The guy has one ofthe nicest, cleanest garages I’ve ever seen AND he would invite me over to help with whatever I needed done to my car? I would take a neighbor like that in a hot minute!

The one good thing about HOAs is that they make it easy to avoid masses of people that are guaranteed to suck as neighbors (i.e., the kind of folks that choose to live there are assholes busybodies control freaks likely Republicans definitely people I don’t want to live near).

I’m not going to lie, Jalopnik membership not withstanding, I would rather an amateur auto shop than nosy religious zealot assholes any day. It really doesn’t matter what you are into, those are the kinds of people that make neighborhoods awful and negatively impact property values long-term.

Community typically grows

Please sit in your car with the engine running, in your garage with the garage doors closed, and think for as long as your tiny shitbrain is capable of doing so, about the very stupid thing you’ve posted.

Jesus Christ ... COTD

....You realize you posted this comment on a website dedicated to reporting the news to the exact type of people who would open such a garage, right?

At first I thought you were being petty, but damn if that fence isn’t actually made out of dildos. Excelsior, good sir.

Those neighbors are awfully righteous for people whose fences are made out of dildos.

He also raped a woman, which you should keep in mind.

If you drive a car which requires premium, but you can’t afford premium, then you are driving a car you cannot afford to begin with.

I agree with you! I have two young kids and they require a lot of time and attention. In the last 4 years all my gaming time has more or less been after they are in bed. At age 4 my son is starting to show an interest and we have been playing Mario Kart together which is nice.

I have the opposite problem at this point. As I grow older and remain more busy it’s harder to find time for it though I definitely still enjoy the hobby. I’m not into the more mindless aspects of gaming so I’m not trying to waste time on Call of Duty but rather enjoy video games as the great art form they’ve evolved

Silver, grey, beige, white, and black are usually the worst and most boring cars. Once you realize how many cars are 50 shades of grey, you really appreciate the people who go outside the box and get an actual color.

Well, you’re wrong.

Now playing

I’m a hardly-Catholic white girl but I’ll defend your faith until the end of my time in this country filled with backwards fucking briars. If the commentariat on Jezebel is what I remember,