This story is believable purely based on the fact that for some reason in Chicago we have 7 or 8 mattress stores in any one mile radius. Mattress stores are our Starbucks.
This story is believable purely based on the fact that for some reason in Chicago we have 7 or 8 mattress stores in any one mile radius. Mattress stores are our Starbucks.
Wtf? East Chicago is basically Gary.
Great article. I can’t tell if I see this used as an insult more now that I am a father of an autistic child, or if it’s just come into fashion as of late.
Looks like he wasn’t quite the traveling Salsman.
Yeah, but it’s still just juice in inconvenient packaging that becomes convenient if you utilize it with an expensive machine — an expensive machine that only adds value in the fact that it makes said inconvenient bags of juice more convenient.
When will these idiots realize that when you take a high-mileage $4000 car, add $15,000 in mods, you don’t suddenly have a $33,000 car. What you have is a $4000 car that has your personal, terrible, taste.
I just can’t see how this is ever worth twice as much as actual M3's of this vintage.
Some people are bad with money. Got it.
...and the bodykit looks like shit,
Lol society failed a gifted, popular athlete with an extremely bright future and a massive multi million dollar contract? Yeah, he drew a really bad hand. If only there was something society could have done for him. More adulation, more opportunities! None of this was his fault. /s
THANK YOU ⭐️ (Am listening to the Led Zeppelin)
Still oblivious. 😰
I really doubt Trump has any fucking idea at all about any of this. He simply doesn’t KNOW things outside of what he sees on TV. At this point, there is probably just a long line of wealthy industrial political donors who have come calling to have their pet regulations done away with. This is about money for rich…
Megyn Kelly is to Fox like Ivanka is to her father’s administration.
In total fairness, it was my (very-limited) understanding that Kendall has next to no formal education, and even if she has a high school diploma, I would not exactly put much stock in her having done the work to get it. In D&D terms, she pretty much put all her points into boosting Charisma and left Intelligence and…
Because the ketchup becomes the flavor, and if you’re gonna do that, a $50 well-done steak and a $5 well-done steak (or even a $.50 well-done steak) are exactly the same. The whole point of the good steak is the steak itself is the flavor.