
It's all out there. There are ex-Scientologists with unopened boxes of this shit because when they were re-released, members were forced to buy at least 2 sets of it all. You can find a lot these books/audiotapes on desperate eBay auctions for pennies on the dollar. People just try get what they little can for it

A documentary based on Going Clear is premiering at Sundance next month. The Chult of Scientology is wigging out about it.

Hypothetical Toss-Up: You're a time-traveling bug, and you can witness this event as it happens from atop one of the Wallaces. Do you want to be on Sheed's bald spot or in/on Ben's afro? Serious question.

O'Reilly hung up on reality long ago.

Blount used to wait til the end of the game to punch out.

If I'm on a ship or a plane, and the captain is telling me to do one thing and the reigning Survivor champion is telling me to do the opposite, I'm gonna follow the Survivor guy's orders every single time. I think pretty much everyone would do the same. It's common sense.

I thought ACCENT had been killed off by HOLLAR, but I'm not up to date on comic book jibba jab.

In Tallahassee you get BB spray havin a face like dat

I recommend dumping a bunch of TVs into the Atlantic Ocean. It just may fix your tax problem.

Over/under 8.5 cable shows you torrent. I'll guess the over.

Hahaha. "The Cleveland Indians's Corey Kluber..." I see what you did there, Draper.

Finally, I can cross "see Kim Kardashian naked" off my bucket list.

KazuyaaSkakihara = 16 characters

I could never kill the Cow King, because in every cow run there was always at least one person spamming "no king pls"

More like Tim Narcman, am I right?

Say no more, you've already sold me. I'm not going to read any of that. Thank you.

Seems like Reinhardt will be the first to get the nerfhammer before this goes live. 600 hp (2nd highest is Bastion at 250) plus a 2k hp shield that you can shoot through. Shield+charge looks like an instant 1v1 kill and that earthquake move + hammer swings can take out a whole group.

Do you know exactly what Zenyatta's Orb of Discord does? In his demo video it looks like it may have stolen Reinhardt's hammer. Just a small detail I'm curious about.

How upset is Luigi that he isn't in the first wave, yet the Wii Fit lady somehow made it? Has anyone checked on him to make sure he's okay?