Why are all the finest hunnies so damn crazy?
Why are all the finest hunnies so damn crazy?
Sometimes (read: always) when I'm feeling lazy, I just put two slices of American cheese on two slices of whatever store-bought bread we have and put them in the toaster oven. After the ding, they get plopped together for a quick, tasty sammich. Two questions:
"Darren Sharper is the hardest rapin' safety in the league and Richie Incogito is an offensive lineman, but at least they're not gay."
Seems to me that you've been pretty well shielded from "American black POP culture," considering that your negative example is Coolio.
One dose has not has to no sports to make the jokes here, but one should probly learn them b4 calling out the jokesmakers.
I'm pretty sure this person has kept the "annkickedass" account for years, just itching for a Heart reference. But I have no facts to support this.
"Haha, that guy's name is 'Blunt.' Throw me the football."
- Davone Bess, a mile high in any city.
Man, Davone is having a rough week on Deadspin. Can you guys drop it already? Davone would drop it.
These student-athletes are receiving a free education and deserve to be shamed for losing a meaningless bowl game while they are lifting weights in the free time they have between studying and going to class.
Speaking of morality, try to imagine an athlete in today's world stabbing a man simply for being black and having the nerve to challenge his identity. And then imagine that athlete receiving 98.23% of the vote for induction into the baseball Hall of Fame. Racism may have been the norm back then, but stabbing another…
Screw the paddle boards. The real prize is Chrissy Teigen copping a feel.
You're absolutely right, this is unfair. I propose a contest where we "vulture like LOSERS" aim our chatter at Tebow, and then Tebow can respond by aiming footballs at us. We will see who is more accurate and thus determine a winner.
Interesting point of view, but I think he still misses that leap even with competent officiating.
Broncos Fans: are you unhappy even with the 1 Seed? Call the Vasecto-Men.
Lol. I have been hoping for a blizzard in this SB ever since they announced it would be at the Meadowlands.
Are you considering the Pro Bowl the ultimate game of the NFL season? Or are you talking about one of the Conference Championships being played in a blizzard?
Nice. Next, show how the ball moved on the Braxton Miller game-ending INT. And maybe question why they did not review it.
I really have no idea, I just like typing things into this box.
See now, DougExeter? Your worst fears have been confirmed. Once you stop telling your silly jokes and become serious, you will say something entirely false and be shamed forever. Stick to your silly jokes, DougExeter.