Ramlih Malcowitz

Pathetic. Relentless enabling of trans garbage for years, followed by one voice that isn’t even harshly critical and meanwhile you have women like her turning traitor to her sex and sexuality in favour of delusional men

LOTR is too short, not too long, you philistine.

Same as the movies, imagine if the last good movies Jackson made were longer?

Why the hell would you want to be trans in Faerun? You can just change your sex through magic permanently, which would just make them a woman instead of trans.

It’s fantasy. You can do that...

Differences in degrees, not nature.

I can honestly say that comparing lyrics between artists never comes out well for the one doing it; it’s just sad. Seeing as one is in pop and the other way more dance/electro, direct comparisons are just the usual pontification and elaborations of the conceits of the writer.

lol her name isn't hermione

no features
you know, hair, skin, phenotype you pleb

Woman does thing while listening to speech; conveniently fits existing narrative about her being shallow and dumb, is posted on twitter.

Holy hella I can hear the Jella from across the Atlantic~

Ohhh nooooo
i loved all he documentaries about wales! what will they do now???

A shitload of Lovecraft is now free to find on the internet ya dunces. Google it and read it there, like I did.