
The color of the ruins, mainly. Thats what I'll go by. 

“The Renault Alliance is disintegrating” yeah that checks out.

So... you’re telling me the Renault Alliance is taking a turn?

Uhh.... How is it not called "E-Camino"?!


100% of fatal alligator attacks happen on the ground. Roof tent is the obvious solution.

Toyota's actually been doing this for quite a while now.

It’s fine if you plan on keeping it for a long time. You get it depreciated, with some warranty left, and drive it until it dies.

Cargo shorts? :)

These things have rear weight bias. Careful getting into a corner too hot, or you might turn the Beat around.

Are you sure?

Meet Jacob Jensen...

Technically speaking he is from DC 

Soylent Green Day < Soylent Stone Temple Pilots

Paces & Cumberland.

And tires come in packages of six.

When I order LED lighting components, my invoices show:

Lock Picking Lawyer is one of those fascinating Youtube channels for me. I have next to no interest in picking locks, but I’ve watched so many of his videos. They’re calm, professional and interesting.

Brilliant idea; It may attempt to run down crowds, but will break down before reaching them.

milf-driving Escalade”