
The autobox had it’s problems, but the 3.6 is a pretty good engine. The first 2 years or so it had a problem with the left head but they extended the warranty on it and if you get through the warranty without a problem then it seems yours wasn’t affected.  I’ve put 130K miles on one of these and it’s been pretty

No, because the state itself doesn’t send it, the individual taxpayers do.  

*Not from NJ.

Nissan Pao...

2 rear facing seats was an option on the Model S for the first few years, they are tight but not 911 tight, though I wouldn’t put and adult in them.

Oh, they could sell it here. Just lift it an inch, throw on bigger tires and black fender flares - profit.

Unfortunately purgatory was the most they could achieve.

They dont stop people from trying to kill each other.

1. Put body in shell.

In the trunk!

I’m with you on buying used, but someone has to buy new in order for there to be used cars to buy. The efficiency of this CUV hasn’t been released yet, but the gas-only powered version is on par with the gas-only versions of the vans you listed.  Disparaging the quality of a completely new vehicle that you have no

Do you have any children? How many of them are adopted? How many are multiples? Try not being an asshole until you know someones situation. I started by asking a simple question and it still stands since I’m not giving away any of my children.

Well thank you Chairman Mao for your time.

The C in CUV stands for crossover not compact.  

Just a question, what would you move my family of 6 in on a regular basis that gets better economy than this?

Leave Budweiser alone!

It’s more an X90 with a weirder personality!

I know and I’d like to have either one.

Hell, that’s why I bought a Frontier, good basic truck, great price.