
Dear ‘Murricans on Jalopnik - please stop being stupid. Can You? Please?

So, locking the two front wheels won’t leave perfectly straight skid marks, but locking the rears will.... That has not generally been my experience. Nor anyone else’s, for that matter.

Makes me wish there was a rally racing driving school.

Man, I miss staying up late on Saturday watching Wings on Discovery Channel...

#1 is just false. The car moves noticibly faster going downhill in neutral, the transmission drags if left in gear. If you go down the hill faster you will require less acceleration (gas) at the bottom which does save gas, assuming there isnt a stop sign there. Doesn’t mean you should do it, but the reasoning is just

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Works better with boulders than with whales

It totally works in Venezuela!

And everyone should get a unicorn!

Businesses have to start somewhere... the world wasn’t created thousands of years ago with hundreds of safety regs and expensive safety equipment in place. Some Governments do a better job of limiting the amount of wealth capitalism can create for everyone. Others, do a fantastic job of stealing it and allowing shit

I’m pretty sure that’s a venerable Allison 250 which has a free turbine - you could theoretically hold onto the prop to prevent it spinning during start but I wouldn’t recommend the practice!

I noticed this too, but I think it’s actually just poor camera animation that makes it look this way. There’s still a straight line from the ball to the base of the launcher.

Yes, I too was TDY at SLC-6 in 1985, working for SRM contractor Morton Thiokol, and you comments about the eighteen year olds with M-16s are spot on.

Frankly I always thought the Prius would be a better car in every possible way if they kicked the batteries out of the boot, got rid of the electric motors and just ran the existing gasoline engine through a traditional transmission.

A couple of my favorites.

From the video it looked as if his right rear tire might have been about 1.5 psi off. Tough break, bro. Better use a digital gauge next time.

Jets are supremely simple. You only need one moving part!