
I’ve been thinking about getting that $540 CybertonPC for a few months, even have it in my Amazon cart, but I don’t know if I can bring myself to get an AMD processor over an Intel one... I’m a casual gamer and full time online student, can someone tell me if it's actually a good PC? To compare I'm looking at getting

I’ve been thinking about getting that $540 CybertonPC for a few months, even have it in my Amazon cart, but I don’t

Because he's an asshole, that's why. He wants to make things difficult for his ex because he's a vindictive man-child. If he was verbally abusive to her during the relationship, he'll come down even harder outside of the relationship to "make her pay."

Seriously, where can I find me a man like this? My problem is I think sex should wait for committed relationships (yeah, I’m one of those.) But it seems like the men I date are like, "we haven’t fucked after the 2nd date? See ya. "

Probs just the old theatre nerd in me, but hearing the name be uttered so many times in the trailer made me cringe. It's the Scottish play, dammit.

Jesus. That.... is horrible. I am so sorry you had to go through that. :(

That’s honestly where my mind went when I read this article. Cheating... I don’t understand it and never will, but what I’m even more confused about is a married relationship where one partner is unfulfilled which is why he is justifying the cheating.

Rewatch it! I saw it again a few years ago and I think got more out of it as an adult than I did as a kid. So many feels at the end!

Didn't even read the article, just came here to give love for the Natty Gann picture. Grew up watching that movie and love it to this day.

Over and over and over again!

She sings almost as well as she acts.

I legit don’t understand how things escalated from her nicely saying, hey, I’m taken, to him suddenly losing his shit. Like, am I missing a post/email he sent her? Why did he think she was “ghosting” him over the course of a few hours?

Or you know, he's just a great actor and is very convincing at being an asshole. lol

...Are you on the Busch Gardens payroll or something? trying to singlehandedly turn all of Gawker commenters back onto the “good work” SeaWorld does for animal conservation?

Wow... yes, people losing their jobs would be sad, but it doesn’t take a film to convince most logical people that creatures kept in captivity is cruel.

Gee, ever think that the ex is legit happy for the two of you? When you love someone and it doesn’t work out, that doesn’t mean you stop caring for that person or their well being; including finding joy in the fact that person has found their forever partner.

At last, someone is using their powers for good!

As the owner of a 100 pound Labrador who is a chicken shit, this is my worst nightmare, a dog you love that one day snaps and hurts someone. My lab, thankfully, has never, ever bitten anyone in his 5 years on this earth, and I’ve had him since he was 6 weeks old, so there’s never been any abuse, but for some reason

But... but what happened? Is he still on the side of the road? Did he find the bears and go live amongst them? Truly I must know how this story ends.

This photo makes me happy, and I don't even know you. You look like a lovey couple and your dress is gorgeous!

Ditto. I actually think I have finer, more blonde hair because I've never shaved past my knees. No complaints yet, either, from another almost 30-er.