
After Hexagonest I went straight to Hyper Hexagonest. It took over 2 hours to complete it, but finishing the two other Hypers was much easier after that. I think it is more difficult to train for the different gauntlets rather than for speed. And when you return to the next base stage, you can focus more on reacting

My wife hates it. My best friend hates it. I can't get enough of it. I hope there will be new stages soon.

No patch yet. I wouldn't be too worried about losing your primary rank though. I believe that the challenges are still registering and being recorded. If you lost your badass rank, I'd expect the patch to detect completed challenges and give you all of the tokens you've earned. I'd hope at least.

Felt so great to complete Hyper Hexagonest. I earned all the achievements except for Hexagonest. The achievement will not register for me after passing 60:00 many times :(

This looks great. I'm still not feeling the keyboard though. I'd rather have all the CPU under the keyboard and have a thin touch display. I just do a lot of work on-the-go, with my laptop on top of my lap, and the kickstand doesn't look like it will provide enough stability.

Also, it's easier to hear the ringer with the speaker facing up. My phone goes in the pocket top down, display against the leg.

I agree with the graphical excellence. But, nothing in the gameplay video tells me that there is anything complex happening with the AIs and the environment. It could've all been a seamlessly scripted sequence where if you had not walked outside and hacked the traffic light, you would be hit with a fading screen and

Same here. Seems like they were going for a tilt-shift effect which is supposed to make real scenes look miniaturized. But the city and landscape already looks mini so I don't see the point. It was distracting.

The same thing got me excited (that, and my second home is HK). I remember reading similar claims to Batman-like fighting before Amalur was released. Sadly, after playing the demo, I felt the combat in Amalur couldn't hold a candle to the two Batman games. I'm putting faith in this one, however, knowing that it is


My nephew has been playing FPS's on consoles since he was two. What I find most interesting is the evolution of how utilized the controller. He's big enough now to use the controller the way it was intended, but at two he would use his left arm for the analog sticks (palm and forearm) and his right palm and fingers

Since moving to Singapore, and playing COD in a lot of Japanese lobbies, I've received tons of angry PSN messages (always after a highly successful match). I don't know what they say exactly, but when I show my friend, she is too modest to translate the messages word for word. At first I would just reply with a

Looks like Wikipedia explains the misconception in the first section of their "display resolution" page:

The ppi is the true measure of resolution. You're confusing pixel count with resolution. There will be 4x as many pixels when you double the resolution.

264 ppi is one dimension. The "i" means inch (and not ^2).

Try again. I think most people are just tired of explaining the difference between resolution and pixel count. It's not a difficult concept to understand.

I think pixel density probably confuses a lot of people because we usually think of density related to area (distance by distance). But image resolution is given as a linear density, like dpi or ppi. If resolutions were expressed per inch^2, twice the pixels in each dimension would be four times the resolution (given

The distance between the center of each pixel is halved, thus double the resolution and four times the pixel count. Resolution and pixel count ARE NOT the same thing. I know it must be frustrating trying to explain something that you completely misunderstand.

The fact that social organization and "morality" came long before religion makes your argument completely invalid.

Is there something special about the kinect's microphone? Can this be done for the PS3? I'm jealous. I hardly ever used squad commands in ME2 because it totally broke up the action. This sounds like an excellent feature.