
Clever pic accompanying the quote. Do the writers put together their own images?

There is a difference between pixel count and resolution. Equating pixel dimensions and pixel count with resolution is common, but incorrect. Resolution refers to pixel density (or the space between the center of two adjacent pixels), and in uniformly distributed arrays is usually expressed as dpi. There is no

The resolution is doubled. Pixel count is quadrupled.

I was psyched about this game until I played the demo. More than one preview had likened the combat to that of Rocksteady's Batman games. Sadly, it's not even close. The controls were slippery and the timing never felt rewarding. I'll be waiting on the reviews before I consider buying this one.

If you like apples, you probably won't like oranges.

Warner Bros. has the rights for that one too. I read it twice and it's now making the rounds in my lab. It's definitely a lot of fun.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how (if at all) quantum computing could change gaming? Dismissing the constraints of noise and cost, and the current limitations in programming; how could mechanics like superposition and entanglement improve games?

Just to clarify: by American you mean anyone (and everyone) born in the United States?

What is the hover-at-the-map edge, instant-death-dealing cheat exactly?

I'm just curious, how would Kinect tracking make flight simulation more realistic?

I think you'd have a better time matching his fingerprint from the second image rather than trying to ID the reflected, obscured face.

Fire v. Air, like a kindle in the wind? Someone already do that one?

I also watched it twice, AND maxed the volume on the second round.

Didn't think of it, but it's one of my favorite FotC videos.

Ha! I was thinking the same thing, however non-sarcastically. He probably gets mocked for his voice, but he's actually some covert, special forces bad-ass.

All I see is the face of an angry Sonic. Very intimidating.

Please dub that video. Sounds hilarious.

Please, from now on, if you want to mention the insanity of SOPA and see that someone already has, go ahead and do it again anyway. Seems like a valid cause for redundancy :)

For Late Boomer, you have to collect 15 total bombs without using boost or guns (use bombs to get bombs). So a 1 for 1 strategy will never work. The most I've collected is 14, and that was nearly all luck. I expect that very few people have it. If you do, I hold you in high esteem.

Whenever I see anything Super Stardust, I am reminded of how many attempts I made at the Late Boomer Trophy. Might have to go for a few more tries tonight.