
I think I would rather move the camera (and interact with the environment) with the touch screen, and move Large and Lil with the thumbsticks. Looks nice though.

As a scientist surrounded by scientists, I would agree that, for the most part, the scientific community is more agnostic than atheistic. But, at the same time, most probably put as much faith in the Christian Resurrection as they do with Frodo flying out of Mordor on a giant eagle. And most would quantify the amount

Borderlands was Game of the Year on some lists, and the 2nd is highly anticipated.

Before moving to my current field, I used to study asymmetric cell division. I used the compartment at the tip of Drosophila ovaries (germarium) as a model system and used to spend the night in the imaging facility capturing hundreds (sometimes thousands) of images similar to the first one above. I rarely use a

Much respect. I'm no better than anyone else at letting a petty difference in opinion get out of control. I accept your apology and offer mine.

Sorry, I'm a bit confused, Cupids; are you calling me the hypocrite or Lerigan? In my defense, I do not typically feed trolls. I had just finished my daily encounter with a moronic colleague, and was in a bad mood, when I came across the OP (which I view as the inciting remark). My ignorance shield had reached its

That's pretty damn funny.

Doesn't take much for you to confess your insecurities.

Apparently not. You seem pretty upset.

My god, those eyes are mesmerizing. I want to kiss her boo boos. "Do you have a widdle boo boo? Do you? Yes, you do have a widdle boo boo. Awwwww..."

Okay, I'm not a film aficionado, but how much does a producer factor in to predicting the quality of a movie? I usually base my anticipation on writing, directing, and acting, but this guy King has a pretty hot record (other than the Depp flicks). Should I be paying more attention to producers?

I always anticipate new shooters and their multiplayer (e.g., Brink, BF3), but follow the feedback in forums about control response before I make a commitment. If I read control-related complaints, I lose interest. The direct connection between my in-game choices and the actual movement on screen is what fueled my

Anyone reminded of LocoRoco by the music? That, or doing a nude Funk McNugget on marshmallow roller skates in a zero-G Martian taffy shop?

Thoroughly enjoyed the demo although I wished there would've been some gameplay that really showcased the co-op.

I did not contribute to these numbers. Not because I'm a hater or a disliker or uninterested, I love Modern Warfare. But Call of Duty 4 had already set me back six months on my PhD, and MW2 another four, at least. Two years later I'm deep into a strong thesis - and with love and support, and biscuits and gravy,

I haven't played it, but worse than Black Ops?

I give up. Tell me.

Almost tried the foot version at the Singapore Zoo, but I was afraid I might kill some of the fish.

Looks pretty enough. But please give me some English dub (or French or Spanish). If the dub is bad I'll stick with Japanese, but I would like the option. I'm not so enchanted by Japanese voice-acting, and I've long passed through my purist phase.

Am I the only one disappointed with Uncharted 3? I loved the first two, but after playing seven chapters in UC3, I'm not sure if I will play the rest. I feel as if the amount of actual gameplay has been reduced considerably since UC2. And what happened to the controls? Why is Nate stumbling everywhere he goes? I