

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Not brilliant, but it could be effective.

Thanks! Legacy, that sounds right. I guess the name is not as funny as I misremember.

I never play with standard flight controls (what I consider inverted). But, to me, SFCs do seem more logical, especially when piloting an aircraft, but even when moving the camera. If I had my thumbs on the back of my eyes (or back of my head) and pushed up, I would look down. I guess that line of reasoning would also

I guess Brandon was the original pilot? I think they're saying back is up and forward is down, normally (like your definition). Freddy pulls back, but dives.

Pun not intended?

Perfect. I'd have to stick with in-game music otherwise. I love when you catch huge air and you hear only the wind as the soundtrack fades (and then kicks back in after you land).

Specifically, I am asking about how in-sync you feel with the in-game maneuverability, aiming, and equipment transitions (not the button layout).

So can anyone here who has played the beta, and have also played MW2, provide a comparison on the controls?

That would be awesome if you could sync your own tracks with the gameplay. I would still be listening to dubstep though.

Are you playing BF3 Beta (I'm not)? You mentioned controls and, ultimately, that is what matters to me most. I'm on the fence between BF3 and MW3 (and I can't get both). If you've played MW2, can you tell me how the controls compare to BF3? Thanks.

Yeah, I thought it was a little funny to praise Japan for their respect of OPP and then mention the inconsiderate, antisocial behavior of "reserving tables". It is bad here in Singapore. Enter a food court during lunchtime in SG and you will find long lines, half of the tables "reserved" with tissue packets, and

Yes, it is... region free? Or yes, it is... confirmed (but we're not telling you yet)?

LAN players are not looking for equalizing lag. They expect no lag, for every connection.

It is a fairly winded version of the ubiquitous and unoriginal "I thought the screenshot was from MW2 until I read the title" joke.

I agree. When I heard about the Specialist strike package, I thought it made the "balanced" claim seem ridiculous. At least the other two strike packages cancel each other out. I do think it sounds like the funnest out of the three though.

I want the screensaver!

Pretty funny. I think "it's bee-ah-coo-az" in most cases, when entertainment is mostly in the audio, adding something - anything - visual increases audience. I could be wrong, but unless it's music, I think videos have a better chance of being viewed.

Actually, the first looks a bit like Boy George.

I see Winona Ryder in the entire top row.