
No more Glenn Beck on Fox News doesn't mean no more Fox News.

Depends on your style of play. I guess there's a trade off. When in close quarters, I prefer from-the-hip combined with a lot of side-stepping (to avoid the enemy's fire). I think this tactic is most effective against all enemies (drop-shots, hops, and especially ADS). Of course, at medium to long range, from-the-hip

I'm with you. Prey 2 looks like quite an experience. Hope it lives up to my expectations.

I got the exact opposite impression that you did after watching the most recent trailers.

The gene was first discovered in fruit flies. When it is mutated, non-functional protein (or lack of protein) leads to the development of fly embryos with spikes on their cuticle. The gene was named hedgehog (genes in flies are historically named after the mutant phenotype).

For me too... so far.

Sorry C4N4D4, I guess you'll just have to wait for MW4.

I continued to play Portal 2 on my PS3. You do not need the PSN to play the game.

Good point. I was just beginning the game when the PSN shut down.

Yeah, I get a little annoyed with the "I beat the game in four hours, I thought it was supposed to be challenging"-posts. I was watching a friend play who was making the same complaints. At one point I was laughing at one of Wheatley's jokes as my friend was entering a test chamber and my friend had no idea what I was

I wasn't mocking you. I thought you were saying you were having too much fun with Portal 2 to submit anything more than a superficial concern for the PSN fiasco. And I was trying to convey a similar attitude: that although I game on the PS3 w/PSN, Portal 2 has left me totally complacent.

I hope everything's okay.

Some see the glass 99% empty, others see it 1% full.

I agreed completely with your comments above about the lynch-like behavior of your fellow gamers, but are you now seriously entertaining the idea of screening people for access to parenthood? Or do you believe that restricting Farmville addicts from breeding would bring world peace? Because, in that case, I'm with

You are scary.

Well said... er, written. I agree with you. Unfortunately, we are the minority. Maybe even more so in the gaming world.

I live in Singapore and watched this a couple days ago before reading any reviews. I did go in with pretty high expectations, but they weren't so high that I felt I was setting myself up for disappointment. I think I had an anticipation similar to yours, and needless to say, I left the cinema feeling tired and

Very funny.

I gave up trying to get the Late Boomer trophy. Achieved everything but that.

Excellent point.