
You're in the minority, but not for the reason you think.

Has anyone ever heard of a homicide department, or any criminal investigation department for that matter, opening evidence for unsolved cases online for civilians to take a crack at? Sort of like a volunteer detective's assistant where users can analyze the evidence and aid in cases in their free time? I understand

You want to know how it plays? There are a couple criticisms later in the piece based on gameplay. And they are related to what I felt were going to be the strongest elements in the game.

My image URL would not work. I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong.

Clever. I like.

Making me smile =D

Ugh, so much studying this weekend and designing a poster for a conference. I'll have my phone next to me for Chess with Friends, but that's as far as my gaming goes for a couple weeks. Look me up if you want to play. My username is rainbowkenobi

I know, I know, so I've heard. Takes me longer than most to get my priorities straight.

This will be the first sports game I will have played since Tecmo Bowl. Can't wait to pick this up. I have less than three weeks to learn the rules for baseball.

Okay, well that does sound cool, but I guess it's not original (except for the co-op/friend part). Thanks.

Just do it yourself, for free. Actually, don't; you should probably be spending your time practicing a little self-reflection.

Too small for what?

I've seen this a zillion times and never made that connection. Now Simon is all I see.

Did that [Up Next] "Plants that go bad - hilarious video of nature" video pop up for anyone else after you finished watching? Just ruined my whole dream prep.

Sounds great! I've been looking for a good reason to drop out of grad school.

Must be pretty depressing if you were the only hope to save the city, you failed, and were unable to kill yourself (I don't know why, but reading the comment back to myself, it sounds inappropriate or insensitive for some reason). Can suicide be funny?

Don't get me wrong, I love my wastelands, but can't we occasionally have a post-apocalyptic world overrun by tulips and daffodils?

I told a girl once that I had a two-and-a-half KDR. She said it was nothing to be embarrassed about and I scored some unintended sympathy points (why would I be embarrassed?). She was later outraged to find out that I had greatly exaggerated.

Sorry if I don't get it, so... if your friends aren't available to play, the game passes your co-op AI their playing styles? Rock Paper Shotgun quotes... someone... saying that "the AI will emulate [your friends'] playing style". I can't decide if that sounds cool or not, or if it's possible. I guess it's not