
@aaa187: I actually regret selling Black Ops a bit, but only because I miss playing with my usual group of FPS multiplayer buddies (they've committed to BlOps regardless of quality). With WaW, I quit after a month and went back to MW. With BlOps I lasted two weeks before going back to MW2. To me it is all about the

I'd add my list, but it would just change by the morning. However, right now? I can't live without Gogol Bordello - Immigrant Punk.

@quantumsaint: If I ever need some emotional candy, I spark the nostalgia with Deee-lite. 4 am cruising through Balboa in San Diego.

@Bugoongu: Great list! Ben Folds and Modest Mouse pushed me through Monday with minimal bruising.

(9) reminds me of the horse in the Cell.

@DeadlyWhispers: The only thing I liked about Black Ops is the customized player tag. So I took a picture of it with my phone to have at least one positive memory of the game. Everything else was annoying or broken. I've since sold Black Ops and am playing MW and MW2 again.

@AngryFork: There were definitely some complaints with MW2, but they were minor. I only liked the first MW more because it was a new experience. But MW2 was solid too.

@valkilmerisawful: It can definitely give you a jolt sometimes when you've trained your ears for the slightest sounds and you get blasted in the head by a shotgun-toting Ninja Pro.

@Channing: Hear, hear. Initially I bought my headphones because I lived in a shared room shophouse with paper thin walls. Without the headphones, my TV was practically on mute. I've moved since then, but I still use headphones. I've found gaming to be much more intense when you're amping as many senses as possible.

Oh, the sweet memory of waiting in line, early in the morning, outside of Ventures, and the twitchy-legged anticipation for the impending sprint to the electronics section. Thanks, Mom.

Brian, I think the score listed at the top of your Bit.Trip Beat challenges is the score you have obtained, I think... because you have completed 9 and it looks like each is worth 40 points. So, you are "anywhere near" 360.

@TERROR-HORROR: I don't know where you're from, but I'm starting to believe that there are annoying movie-goers everywhere on the planet. I'm from the states and have had my share of bad movie experiences, but I now live in Singapore (for over a year), watch movies almost weekly, and have yet to have a single,

@jaszczesniak: Yes, her opinion doesn't really fall inline with modern evolutionary theory.

I just found the perfect gift for my neighbor and her annoying little pooch. If her dog stops yapping in the middle of the night, it will be payment enough.

@Dave Harris: Nevermind, I'm stupid. You're obviously referring to this,

@PACKFAN4LIFE: Hmmm... I was gonna say that I'll be playing some Valkyria Chronicles DLC, but I think instead I'll pick up God of War 3.

@GhostTheSaint: Please share where you learned this information. I'd like to get a 3D set someday, but not if it will damage my eyes.

@NeoChance: Like you said, "violence is in our nature". We reciprocate or are charitable when we know it will benefit us, and by us I mean a collective group of trusted citizens (a family, a team, a nation). When we are denied our requests, but feel entitled, we take it by violence. At the same time, we try to avoid