
@Dave Harris: I'm not sure what you're asking, but I do read io9 also. I hadn't visited the site for a few days, but your reply led me back to search "Chimpanzee". In April there was a post on chimpanzees mourning their dead.

Mitani highlights that the difference between chimps and humans is morality? So humans have the willpower to resist invading foreign territories for the purpose of securing limited resources? I guess we don't eat babies, but if we were fighting for food (or genetic dominance), rather than oil or military strategic

@Quote: I told a story to my wife about how I had once encountered a group of elementary school students watching a chimpanzee masturbating in his pen at the Kansas City Zoo. She didn't believe me. She has now given me the benefit of the doubt thanks to this video.

@RainbowTeeth: The original article was published in Neuron, a journal from Cell Press (articles published here go through the most rigorous review process, inline with Nature and Science).

Maybe other studies have shown support for the sgACC being associated with courageous behavior (always associated with risks, and in rational decisions produces fear), but in this case, the results can be explained as the sgACC being involved with increasing fear rather than bravery. Just because someone is acting

My wife watched this while I was playing MW2 online and it inspired her to set up an applause/cheer track that she now plays over the stereo every time I get a kill or cap an objective. It was a little unnerving at first, then it was funny. Now I aim to please my fans.

@Luke Plunkett: So many times have I searched through Japan Amazon and bluray forums hoping for news of Princess Mononoke and Howl's Moving Castle being released on bluray. I hope that when Miyazaki's older work is finally transferred, they release a complete set with hours of extras.

@Bugoongu: I was surprised by the first one. I actually played it twice, the second time with my wife (she loved it). I found it more enjoyable as a coop rather than single player game, but either way it was beautiful.

@Stymie99: The last post (the image from an E3 press document), when it was still a rumor, hinted at cross-game voice chat. Should be standard, but I guess it could be considered an "enhanced" feature.

@kitsuneconundrum: My last two game commitments have both been shooters, and disappointments. I'm to the point that I'm swearing complete resistance to any of the future releases (except for maybe Portal 2, which, besides the mechanics, is hardly a shooter). Besides, I never had fun with KZ2.

@Antiterra: That's how I see it. When I first saw the trailer I thought: where is the armor? Otherwise you're going to be a big, vulnerable target sticking out like a sore thumb in the sky.

@Goldwings: Is in love with the moon: I'm a big fan of Modern Warfare, and I'm looking forward to the map pack (luckily I have no bills and my only other hobby is reading used books). I checked out some gameplay on YouTube and the new maps look great, especially Carnival. Although Fuel looks fairly drab, most of the

@Orion126: Ha! Actually it was on a military base in California, but the shooters could have been from anywhere.

@AreWeThereYeti: They would stick the primer end of the bullet into their ears, and I believe the casing is made of brass, but I'm not sure.

I'm not sure what inspired this cool design, but when I spent some time on the shooting range a lot of instructors and students would use ammunition as make-shift ear plugs. It was a little funny, at first, seeing some old, salty jarheads with 5.56 NATO rounds hanging out of their ears.

@klundtasaur: Are you sure you replied to the right comment?

@Lazthelost: Sony hasn't been making great games? And I fail to see how a feature that is not available to consumers yet is already a big trend/gimmick. You may be right about 3D not catching, but it seems they've produced the option without their games taking a hit in quality. I don't believe they have to redirect

Jurassic Park AND Back to the Future?! I hope they include the original music. I was just whistling the score from Jurassic Park this morning.