
Would you be playing as a gelatinous cube that happens to be flying, or a person polymorphed into a gelatinous cube that can fly? Or possibly an 8th level Master of Many Forms?

I count at least 4 "Dorkness Rising" references in the comments so far.

Wait, I thought they got rid of rolling for initiative in 4E.

They should have had a group of people coming out of the back as exhaust.

Aww, they're adorable. They even do that thing dogs so where they sit down, tilt their heads, and look at you with eyes full of love and adoration for the piece of food you're eating.

Okay, as neat as it is, you could probably make several thousand of them very easily with a machine and sell them for $5. I mean, what's the point of this thing? Even compared to usual expensive useless junk, this is pretty high on the list.

So, if Stealth form offers more mobility and firepower, what's the point of vehicle form?

Now playing

What is love? Baby, don't hurt me. Don't hurt me no more.

Real Daleks don't climb stairs. They just level the building.

So awesome, but the lack of a full series makes me all kinds of sad.

Don't make it a Tokyo Flash watch, please. It too awesome to be out of my price range by several hundred dollars. :(

Well then. I for one welcome our new computer overlords.

But what happens when your boss comes in and you need to close a tab for Gizmodo while looking him in the face? And then while HE'S talking to you, he looks up porn on your computer while your back is turned?

Well then.

Well, I can now rest easy knowing that nothing I will ever do in life will be that awesome.

Still better than the Mac and PC commercials.

inb4 this is utterly disappointing and kills a part of the Who fanbase while becoming a home for Doctor themed cybersex and credit card scammers. Just like the rest of the internet.

I'm still under the impression that the WBC is possibly a secret crusading force for gay rights. I mean, they got someone on FOX to argue against them.

Little early for April Fools, isn't it?

This series is probably the most ridiculous, over the top and insane things I have ever seen, and it's so awesome for it. There aren't many places where you can see a Mahjong game between a magical super-saiyan Hitler and Asimo.