
yea. This would be awesome if it was accompanied by castle crashers 2 announcement. I dont see this selling well due to the fact its been out for 2+ years already.

lol. Miami has been using the "U" and even that dumb finger thing Utah does long before Utah started to. Utah stole it from them.

does anyone have an apk to toggle the screen guard. thats all I want is to toggle on and off the keyguard (slide to unlock) screen.

I doubt that piracy is going to be that bad. First of all, emulators are legal. Roms are legal (if you own the game) - so saying that both are immediately illegal without context is misleading. Next, the number one thing people are going to do with this thing is try to turn it into a cheap HTPC. With Plex on this,

1) they force GFWL. No body likes it. CCCP wants to use thier servers (voice and all)

I would love this for WMC7

I dont run vms/wine etc. on my linux install... but I do dual boot :) but honestly if it were not for games, I would need windows.

yes. it works decently but you cannot fastforward with it.

all games. no innovation. Most of those we have known about and have even been shown months ago. Sony E3 was just a rehash of old content, no innovation, just pushing time for PS4. If all you care about is games, then E3 is irrelevent anyway.

@2:02 it shows a keyboard and mouse - so I think it can. But then again, M&K adapters have been on both consoles for awhile now (more so on PS3). They dont translate very well for the most part (depends on the game) so dont expect greatness. Stick with the PC.

if its anything like all of the other Enix games - it will look great in cut scenes and crappy during the actual game.

I have a PS3, so it pains me to say that SONY in general gets a thumbs down. Theres nothing new. Move is still not supported (that stupid game will tank bad!). I wanted to hear games using the Move, or some new tech or streaming media services or something. MS did a much better job, of at least trying. Smart

If they get the price under $50 Ill buy it.

sheesh. I guess I am one of the few that still use gedit. I cant live without my snippets. Other than that it, it highlights my code just as well as the next editor.

wake me when they announce a decent PC version or add Move controls to the PS3 version.

in most games KDR is the best measure, but with COD series, its not necessarily the case.

kdr isnt a measure of how skilled you have to be in a game. if you have a smaller kdr it could mean many factors including the fact that:

you make it sound strange, but I feel the same that valve will use linux for the new "steambox" when it comes out. It makes sense to port steam and then encentivize devs to work for linux games as well. This way they can cut MS out of the loop (or more so) and can control the shell around the platform itself which

"Larabel did at least get the basics out via his Twitter account, saying *not only is Valve working on Linux-compatible titles*, but that Steam itself is coming to the platform."

I think long term, some cloud services may not be around in 10-20 years, even if they are popular now. of all of my archived stuff, I prefer CD/DVDs. If you have a ton of it, usb drives. but basically keep formats that you know will be around longer than a fad (I have a few IOMEGA Zip drives that have stuff on them