
until idiots stop paying for DLC - period. This will go on.

thanks. I was looking for a good free alternative that didnt mangle my rss feeds like listen did. This works perfectly!

LARPkitten is right. it doesnt really work out. I cant work overtime if I wanted to anyway.

sad thing is it seems Sony purposely gimps the Move. If you look at Wagglers youtube videos for Socom 4 you can see that by modding his controller to trick the game to thinking its hooked up to some piece of crap hardware (sharpshooter) the game runs so much better. Why not do it without the sharpshooter? its seems

some games do. but most developers think console gamers arent smart enough to use them.

I am looking for a decent car mode/home that can allow me to use big buttons to next track or play pause on the home screen. Also it would be nice if it had safe reader built in.

been using vlingo and for text messaging this is better. vlingo has to be on, it cant be in sleep mode. also vlingo needs to be open, not in the background. vlingo does not have the option to automatically turn on when in car, only when connected to bluetooth.

$20 is a bit steep, when there are free alternatives. This one seems better, but $20/yr better?

not to mention its very buggy. it will show a game that occured 3 games ago. I thought the Cards lost to the Phillies for 2 days until I realized they actually won two in a row. The only way to force update it was to delete the widget and then add it again to the home screen.

again. its not rts its an overall strategy. rts = one battle. strategy = managing many battles. Go to their website.

this is a bit different. the strategy sections are different from rts sections. if you go to their website you can see its not the same. RTS is just an overview of the current battle. The strategy in generals is more managing several battles all at once. Seems like an awesome idea!

when it takes a month and a half for certification, and you release the beta a few weeks before launch... you know most of the bugs arent going to be fixed at launch.

I agree. I wish they had player controls in car home to make up for this.

"Turns Out Sony Didn’t Break the Law (in Australia) When Somebody Else Hacked Them"

for linux users: pithos (pretty much the same thing). of course the new pandora update broke it, but they generally fix things pretty fast.

waiting till Christmas when this is down to $10 (likely).

it says seasons 1-7 but all I see is "collection 4" with 12 episodes and "collection 6" with 10 episodes, so I guess not all of them are there but the ones from 2008-2009 are.

its there, but its not the current season of course.

Mythbusters was already in my instantque so you are not crazy.

and hiding clauses in a digital TOS isnt shitty.