I like a hammer, safety, and honestly a SA generally. DA/SA with a decocker is my preferred alternative (some CZs have this as an option and I love em. That SP01 with some custom work... mmmn). Both of my options assume 1 in the chamber.
I like a hammer, safety, and honestly a SA generally. DA/SA with a decocker is my preferred alternative (some CZs have this as an option and I love em. That SP01 with some custom work... mmmn). Both of my options assume 1 in the chamber.
Granted, most of what I listed are my considerations for the Army picking up a new sidearm.
I think it was the combined factors of cost, reliability, weight, capacity, and that it is a handgun that is safe without a true safety.
With DA, a safety, a decocker, a heavy trigger, and a long pull... Majors were still popping rounds into thier feet and clearing barrels.
It was the deciding factor in my last purchase: The M&P Pro.
The vertical grip (for me) translates into a very natural point for me. At 10m with a 12” target, I can close my eyes, point my weapon, open my eyes, and probably be right on target. There is a lot of muscle memory there, but it’s what works for me.
I regretfully have to agree. Any of the guys that use it for clearing or transitions need capacity more than caliber —- esp. with the ARs we carry. The pistol won’t be the primary weapon.
A 1911 I relegate to man-jewelry and personal use. Both purposes it does very nicely.
And again, your opinion... I can’t help but agree with. The 1911s just always felt “right.”
I do prefer the M&P. For me, it’s the more vertical grip.
(Pictured: What the M9 should have been... The present 92A1 with some pretty grips)
Your opinion is spot on 52ndState.
If we are going for a cheap, reliable, accurate 9mm system... even though I personally do not like Glocks... Glocks are the answer. The whole thing is catering to the largest population that will carry…
That is just hilarious right there though. I mean, they create their own demand. *mind blown*
I sure did miss that line and went straight to the quote. My bad. Sure didn’t mean to take a man’s thunder.
Also, you sound like you are totally fun at parties. I would totally drink some beers near you.
“This will save me up to 8,000 rubles ($100) if it’s colder than -30 degrees Celsius (-22 degrees Fahrenheit) and will surely last for at least half the winter.”
This is the most Siberian thing ever said in the history of... ever. Haha!
No wonder Putin comes off as having a “little-man complex” at times.
This relationship you propose assumes that displacement of water will become negative (sinking).
thank you for that aaaaaaand... Downloaded.
Things your eyes won’t see are the effects of displacement/buoyancy, drag (intentional lateral drag in the case of most stabilizers) and center of gravity.
Now that is a solid point! I would love to read/know more about this deathtractorwithwings!