
Oh, and I don’t know what it has for targeting... but that looks like one of the starfire FLIR’s mounted on there too.

Three large hardpoints under each wing... and if I am not mistaken it has another one or two on the belly.

Keep in mind, these Air Tractor 802A’s can swing over 9000 lbs of spray treatments in their agriculture occupation. [I think it was mostly 802A types they got... it it’s the 402’s, those swing over 7000 lbs] Not a

I don’t carry the one.

In Soviet Russia, one carries you!

I really want to see Yemen’s hellfire equipped cropdusters in action.

Cessna Vs Air Tractor
Who wins? YOU DECIDE!
Epic hellfire battles of history!

Man, just some sarcastic dudes being sarcastic.

I like when I get snarky responses to my snarky responses to your snarky responses.

Well, I mean... that’s closer to about 3.5%. Not nitpicking, but 7.5% isn’t anything to overlook when you are looking for things to not overlook.

Yeah, the three grill openings on both the helmet and 4C got me one day. Other that that, it’s a bit of a stretch. I do really like the concept of the 4C... but I have yet to drive it.

But look at it... it says “Fancy-faster Miata!” —- and if there is anything a Jalop likes, it’s a Miata that is better at being a Miata.

Your son sounds... AWESOME.

Doing the best I can with my two daughters. They aren’t gearheads (yet?) but I let them swing a wrench at daddy’s truck and their tricycles when I can.

I have to do it early before getting dirty “is yucky and girls aren’t yucky.”

You sir... are awesome... you give give me hope for humanity.

Add lightness. *nods with approval*

You and I think alike.

I like... the paint scheme. Also, X-Wings can’t fit in the thermal exhaust ports. So, I approve of the design.

Depending on the time of day and where the pilot is in relation to the wire... they can be Damn near invisible.

Meanwhile, I’ll be kicking it in my non-airconditioned ride.

They say it’s an all-weather bird... because all-the-weather gets in the cockpit.

Nice. Classy ride.

There are new UH60’s rolling off the line. For the Army, that’s the UH60M. The old ones that are getting modifications are the UH60A [these should be all gone now actually], UH60A+and the UH60L. The UH60V will be a further modification on the legacy models.

(Note: I was flying a 1981 UH60A+ just a few months ago...




After 40 years of flight, we are still working out the kinks in the UH60, but they are generally minor. We have well-understood flight characteristics, trained maintainers, established supply chain, pilots that are intimately familiar with the bird...

You won’t find much love for the F35 from me either, hahah!

That being said, at least for the UH60’s, we do have more updates coming. The airframe itself is fairly robust, and the power to weight ratio is generally good enough... but she is an old design. And any reliability comes at the cost of high maintenance (which