Well shit, those nutters were low enough to be considered part of the convoy overseas. Love em. Miss em.
They weren’t perfect helicopters by any means, but when they leave, it leaves a niche unfilled.
We discussed this same exact hypothetical event happening two briefs yesterday and this morning. And here it is.
This is how much we anticipated such an event.
Sadly we expect a considerably uptick with the lack of stability in Yemen in addition the the other difficulties the region is experiencing.
You poor guy. (I’m back up there for a couple weeks starting Sunday. Good to see some Jalops/Foxtrot guys among our peers).
You can’t get away from Mother Rucker. Ever.
I am sure it was comfy as hell... like... the only way an adult could legit pull off a onezie in public and still be taken seriously... however... the logistics of having to take a poop make me doubt I would have liked wearing one.
I just realized both comments were by the same dude! Hahaha! Wait... if you are still wearing it... are you an IP at Rucker? Flight Engineer?
Yeah, I can understand that. At least the A2CUs are comfy. I don’t think I would have cared for the older pre-desert pickle-suits myself. So... “Woo two-pieces!”
As Chinooker below says, “I never liked the ACU pattern.”
The day they released it, back when I was still a Specialist, I was like “And what is this shit!?”…
We went from the old Chocolate Chip to the 3-color desert (tan BDU’s essentially). Now they wear the useless ACUs which blend into every environment seamlessly.
*drowns in a puddle of sarcasm at his own comment*
1. Drive defensively.
New [edit] economy engines?
Diesel in the US?
I guess I will wait another 10 years when they get updated then.
*sighs and goes back to his old Taco*
(I’m going to get a Ford Focus that has more torque and HP. Come on, Toyota).
She dropped that bomb so hard from midfield, I was like “This will be on FoxtrotAlpha!”
Ever read that story about how we stole a Hind from Libya?
The only difference is that the Russians would have no worries about silly things like “CG” or “Max Gross Weight” limitations. Hehehe!
Soooo... just to make sure I got this right... Winterfell is in Strathclyde? Got it.
Holy shitsnacks, Batman!
I have driven on # 10, 9, 8, 6, 5, and 1... and can agree that they are all too damn slow.
At least the Blue Ridge Pkwy is gorgeous which makes my *5-10 over the speed limit* much more enjoyable.
I am now interested in #4... but wow... 30mph... yikes. Even a “reasonable” amount of speeding would result in a terribly…
If a little glowing is safe, then more glowing is more safe.
Yeah. Just one of them things... varies post-to-post and base-to-base.