
Spelling Nazi.
Which is ironic because, we are presently speaking of “Zee Germans.”


I did nazi that coming!

I came to the comments to read the posts from witty people about Porches.

Everything I said before *this* sentence is a lie. Badoomp-tish!

But seriously, I need to grab an air-cooled motorcycle engine of some sort and shove it in arse end (the RIGHT end) of some salvage-title new-beetle.

Oooo... another potential

All I know, is I’d game the shit out of the system to, had I the money to really do so. There’s a shit ton of fiscal voodoo you can do legally.

The problem is “the system.”

The fuckers that get voted in are the one’s with the power to change the laws... the same bastards are campaign-financed by the folks that have

If you can’t beat em... join em.

My Lockheed stock has done RIDICULOUSLY WELL the past couple years. Oooooo, hello dividend (quarterly drinking money).

I don’t know... how many punches is like... $(fill in the blank with appropriate cost) worth of body/paintwork worth? I figure it’s worth a few.

Let’s assume a small figure like... $5000. That’s a few punches to the face in my book. Plus an extra punch for you-are-being-a-dickhole factor.

Madness. The best variety of madness.

While every other car looks like a Honda Accord, The Wooden Clog gang that lives below sea level on renewable energy said “Fuck those tulips! What we need is some GO FAST and a pile of carbon fiber.”

I have loaded maybe 80% of those FSSs and LSMRs. My first experience of a “big ship” were those 900 footers. —- Back when we shrink-wrapped the helicopters for shipment.


I shall!

There is alcohol, debauchery, and my wife who might... might just drop her standards just enough to jump in bed with me!

/ aaaaand immediately fall asleep.
// Womp-womp.

I got to give most countries some credit though, most new tanks around the globe are pretty dang awesome, piston or otherwise.

Modern piston diesels are putting out about the same horsepower as the turbines with a fraction of the fuel consumption and a LOT smaller heat signature. Of course I have an Abrams bias because

? ? ? ? ? ?

Dear VeeFox,

It is always important to understand why you feel the way you feel. I have enclosed this helpful two-step self-diagnosis:

I just Foxtrotalpha’d this thread.

Cuz, turbines.

something was lost in translation:

Not at all. Preferred even.

He was in an area of risk... a danger zone, if you will.

you are shitting me... THIS IS AWESOME.


The real madness is that it's not even the biggest helicopter out there.

The Mi-26 has a fuselage that is nearly twice the length. They will do the fuselage recovery of the Chinooks on occasion (and are capable of lifting business class jets!)

And yet as large as it looks —- somehow —- they are even larger than you think they are in real life.

Look at the KC130. Look at the CH53. Yep. That big. And the new CH53s have a larger rotor.