
1. Yes, the ultimate source is generally still a fossil fuel of some type.

"if it fits, it ships!"

I submit:
Hahaha. Ha. Hahahaha. And lastly, ha.

Pentagon Wars was a... completely missed gem to me until recently. And the movie was just INCREDIBLE laughter, especially for anyone in the military.

*mind blown*

Actually, we are in debt for exactly the reason of bungled programs like this.

Entitlements make up a significant, but miniscule portion of the total budget when compared to some of these military programs. Likewise (and tenfold) with education where we put an embarrassingly small portion of funds.

And I say this as a

Ha! Well I am your modern day equivalent, then! I have had (until recently) 2 UH60's from 1983 with ashtrays. I think my next two oldest are 1985 and 1987.

I was sad about retiring one of the 1983's as it was both my birth year and one of them was the smoothest damn bird we had. Whoever did the last couple track

Holy crap... I like it!

I have heard that and am/will be very excited to see something like that replace these older model engines.

Granted I am NG, so I will see those engines right around the same time the full-timers get issued plasma rifles.

I can still burn north of 900lbs an hour in them. It's no Prius, hahaha!

Nice. Very very very comparable to the 701D's (silly typo earlier) that we are running in the 60M and 60L birds. We are talking like a difference of about 60 shp between them and the 401C —- which would be practically unnoticeable in either aircraft. I forget what the difference was... something like a difference

Oh, and check the next Foxtrot article. They have some of those super-forced acronyms I was talking about. KILSWITCH. They use the same word twice.

I feel bad because now I have two careers my wife doesn't want to hear me talk about. Hahaha!

And sorry for all the typos. This phone likes making what little nonsense o wrote, make even less sense.

I feel your pain. I am an odd sort... military... pilot... and as of this fall, a civil engineer.

A range finder would be great... but it's actually just a way to keep 100kt winds out of your eyes and mouth. Covering the mouth helps eliminate wins noise on comms.

I would totally be on boats if you were taking about silly and very forced acronyms...

701d's. Phone typos

Do you know which ones? There are two that the Hawks mainly use. The old 700, which was good for about 1500shp each. The newer 702's are good for around 1800 she each (continuous).