Two words: The Chrysler LeBaron
Two words: The Chrysler LeBaron
Sadly, it's generally not in their interest. And when it is, they generally lack the reliable manpower, resources, and equipment to do it.
For reasons... I'd have to suggest a lengthy study of the last 100 years or so of the entire region. Then add to that, a not-as-lengthy study in the human resources to…
This must be a knock off product. You see, the original goes "Woo-woooo!!!"
See, you are only getting 50% of the woo's right there. Damn Amazon specials.
I feel your pain. (tire was mounted less than a week prior)
Yes, that is one of those adjustable feet off a classroom desk. Before you ask... I don't know why or how this got in the street.
That's the adjustable foot off one of those classroom desks.
... On a tire that was mounted 4 days prior.
I will happily admit that Mercedes makes some... simply insane cars. Hell, their version of econoboxes are an actual joy to drive.
You know most of us Jalops would want a manual...
... but I have to admit... it that thing has a 3.7 0-60 time with the auto... I'd shut my fool mouth. A sprinting luxo-barge!? And I can do it whilst sipping a latte with a pinky fully extended!?!?!?
I want... nay... NEED such a unicorn-of-a-car in my life!
I should have read some of the below posts, before I replied. In the same vein, haha!
Great. Now MSNBC will have to come up with a new coverage special. You ruined it. You spoiled the whole plotline, hahaha!
Suggested new headline:
"Guy that doesn't know much, but once worked near people that nearly understood how airplanes fly, makes claims he has no way of justifying based entirely on opinion; claims unicorns are responsible for the decline in leprechaun population."
In all fairness, his new job relies on having a wild…
You... need to turn it back from 11 to maybe a... 4.
Welcome to Jalopnik. Here, we appreciate a... slightly more subtle rage about engines. I think what you are experiencing may be some 4chan-injected-I-am-a-child-of-the-90's-and-I-know-a-2JZ-is-the-best-because-GT4-and-2Fast2Stupidest.
Also, the 2JZ can suck my left…
The entire video, THIS was my exact thought.
"Damn... could they at least spare some zip ties?"
This group of guys, have just discovered (Old) Lotus mentality with just a touch of Shelby.
"Add lightness" meets "More powah!" —- This is not a bad thing.
It's not a tall engine, fairly lightweight, very easy to get parts (since there are so many, with many variations that have swappable parts), cheap, great torque/hp, and actually not too bad to work on.
I say this as a Ford guy.
Jeeeeeez-us. For less than $5k, I would DD this car. God. I mean, it's so damn hilarious that it is a service to mankind to put this thing on the road. I think you'd get like forty-smiles-per-gallon in that thing.
!!! 911 G2 !!!
It feels very... cleanshavenangrywarthog.
Strangely, that is not a bad thing.
You... totally beat me to the reference. I award you one free intarwebz.
*tips hat*
/still not impressed until they are mounted to sharks.
So what you are telling me is that they want to give me more legroom and significantly less losing-my-fucking-luggage?
Cuz that'd be a GREAT change of pace.