

Oh, I thought this was some sort of insult against tumbler, so I was inquiring as to whether it was some variation of "sucking" and "Blowing."


This is like asking "Why does that fantastically-breasted model wear V-neck shirts with the gap going to her fricken belly button?"

So many angry beeeeeeezzzz.


It's a deathtrap, but so is my rollovermobile. —- That is the cleanest microtruck I have seen.

It wouldn't be a bad idea. New diesel (piston) engines can put out the same hp with better gas mileage, low end torque, less noise, and smaller heat signature.

the sound of "Suck, Bang, Blow?"

There isn't a turbine or jet engine that doesn't sound good to me. The Abrams has a derivative of the same GE700/701 series turbines found in UH60s, and the new dual eng UH1/AH1s.

Dead serious... if I had a landscaping company, I would snatch one of these up in an instant. Never mind what it can do physically, and the fact that it would be awesome advertising... it'd be the damn envy of any self-respecting man out there.

Unimog. Earth-mover. 4x4 with lockers. Diesel. Manual (with a

Honestly, a good 5T would be a way better all terrain camper. This unimog is so short, tops out at 45mph (and wobbly) with something like 12 gears...

Talk about rowing the boat!

I need the hydraulic motor to run another hydraulic motor, so I could use hydraulics while I am using hydraulics, hahaha!

(And my bad, I don't think these have pneumatic stuff, just hydro)

(One of the wierdest AND greatest!)

US Army SEE (Small Emplacement Excavator)

It's a Unimog (through Frightliner), with collapsable backhoe, attachment points for hydraulic/pneumatic hand tools like jackhammers, and of course a front end loader.

You can pick them up at auction at $15k - about $28k.

Solid advice for prostate cancer *AND* driving.

Well done, sir. Well done.

Sweet baby jeebs... it is an engine THAT DOES ALL THE THINGS.

Nearly 270hp with >300 lbs of torque... AND good mileage!?

*Proceeds to just throw money at his computer screen*

TAKE IT, VW. IT IS YOURS. Buuuut, please send the engine to my home address.

Note: I have a Tacoma that could really use an awesome diesel

Alright, after all your aviation threads that I have read over the years, I have decided that I have a long lost brother and you are him.

Now playing

I am just glad we dont do this anymore.

... only that we do. Video sucks. Audio gives you what it feels like to be heavy-hit guy on the ground though.

This is not to say you don't have some valid points. The ole Hog wasn't designed exactly for this mission set. It was certainly a tank killer. But it gets to the

Tyler nailed the response I was going to make.

I too, let out a resounding and reverberating "Meh."

Good article, I just... meh... Fisker.