
I.... may need new pants.

Assuming we were at war with them:
The Shilka and it's son, the Tunguska... there is very little else that could make my heart stop as a helo pilot, than seeing either of them of the battlefield.

Dang. That's especially nuts then!

Imperial gallons?

So, that's still a respectable 65 mpg (US).

I came here to say:
1. Geo Metro. —- Don't think of it as a car, so much as a covered grocery cart with lawnmower-inspired displacement.
1. Original Insight —- Yes, also at number one. Still cooler than a Prius. I wouldn't actually mind buying one of these.
2. Some late 90's TDI —- Zee Germans. Zay make zee carz

Well this just made my morning.


Oh man, my nerd is showing again...

Haha, awesome bud! Stuff like that is a great experience and wind tunnels can still be very necessary despite how accurate some computer models are getting. It's amazing how things change at different speeds and very small changes to shapes or angles. Stuff like the vent on the

In which case... "NEAT!" Also, I love that C7.

And your armchair aerodynamics (kind of a combo of fluid mech and fluid dynamics if you take those courses) are correct. You have a lot of positive pressure at the base of the windshield and of course the front grill itself. A vent positioned where it is in the CTSV

The joke. Was missed. Hahaha!

I was really just curious if it is actually functional in any way, or if it was another piece of useless black plastic that GM and Ford enjoy gluing to their automobiles.

For references, see: Mustang. Tacoma V6. Camaro V8. Etc.

So is the hood scoop more or less efficient as the one found on the Camaro?

/// And my teachers used to say there were "no stupid questions."

And as a solid hilarious second point, the guy in CA that got 14 years, was using a high power laser, 13 times more powerful than allowed for handheld devices, after MULTIPLE complaints from pilots were made in the area.

So if the guy didn't learn that "Durrrrrrrp, pointing lasers at aircraft maybe iz not so guud."

Well first off, with a longer sentence I think my pimp hand will weaken significantly.

/I should tell you how I really feel, hahaha!

The lives of the twelve folks on my two ships, are worth many... many years. Risking their lives is about the most grievous offense you can make against me. This is my crew. These are my passengers. Their fate rests in my hands. They trust that me and my copilot can safely get them to where we are going. And

You are right, no deaths have occurred in 4000 cases. Because most events were thankfully minor and pilots are two buckets of fricken awesome pouring out of a one-cup container.

(obvious bias)

It's a good thing I didn't smack into my sister aircraft when it happened to me, or killed the 12 or so folks we had on board


All of them, unless you are rich. Super rich. Boom. Just saved you all some time.

Lasing a helicopter may kill two to thirty people. Lazing an airliner endangers 40 to 300+.

Sounds like we do have our priorities right.

NVGs will whiteout (I'm farkin' blind) when you hit us with some lasers.

And since we are under goggles, our eyes haven't adjusted to low-light conditions. So when we have to flip up our goggles due to some DUMB *&#@#$ lazing us, there is a decent potential for a mid-air collision. Especially since we do some pretty

Now playing

A higher coefficient of friction in dirt as well as it being uneven increases the chance of a rollover/flip-over. Runways are generally much smoother and you will more-safely skid to a stop. Grass is always an option though, but it's still gonna be rough, but doable.

Sparks are a concern when fuel is ruptured, but

You are also looking at cold engines and lower compressor speeds. They will always belch a bit of smoke before they turn some carbon into freedom.

Don't get me wrong though... it isn't like there are any truly fuel-sipping jets out there. I mean, being environmentally hostile is kinda their job, haha! I don't see