
These aren’t exactly lethal airbags or excessive rollovers. They’re minor improvements that they don’t even have to make, but are.

This is every manufacturer of every product.

I voted for Hillary Clinton.

With Juicero, you could always manually squeeze the packets and get the juice out of them. No matter how hard you squeeze Peter Daou, you’ll never get anything useful out of him.

Verrit. Nothing is, was, or ever will be funnier.

An interesting question to ask of Pence: “Have you undergone conversion therapy?”

Yeah, this “every homophobe must be gay” thing is getting tiring. I get that it has some baring in fact, but there are plenty of straight people that are just hateful. Also, I get that the idea is dunking on him for being a hypocrite, but the setups sure seem to be close to jokes where the punchline is being gay, not

Let us just get this out of the way, the sexuality of Mike Pence is not important. Who cares what his sexuality is? What is important is that he has a valid policy stance to hurt and endanger the lives of LGBTQ people regardless of how he feels satisfied behind closed doors. Mike Pence articles always turn into these

It’s almost like the rest of the civilized world thinks the USA is not so civilized.

british prisons are not a picnic but seeing as somehow we don’t allow a rape and gang culture to thrive in our jails we can say for certain where I’d prefer to be.

This video had like 600k likes before it was taken down. This will barely affect him unless Youtube actually gets off its ass and does something.

Takes over the body but leaves the brain alone? So theoretically the host could be fully aware, going to the most terrifying ride of it’s life as it body betrays it?Imagine a zombie where the original person is still there, seeing and hearing everything but unable to act or scream? Being forced to watch as your own

This is what your Scientist Character says right before you cut to a montage of people buying a new miracle diet drug. And then you cut to the zombie hordes.

“This means the fungus might produce a wealth of bioactive compounds that could be of interest in terms of novel drug discovery,” said de Bekker. “I am, thus, very excited about this work!”

Because this is The Root and that is the context of the site so identifying him as such. Because he shares those traits with the victim in this story.

The entire concept of “predicted reliability score” is stupid. It is kinda like stereotyping people based on their skin color...

Giving something that hasn’t even been built yet a reliability score is like Hating a movie that hasn’t even been filmed yet. It’s just stupid.

I gave up on Discovery after the first episode.