
if you want to watch it at work what you could do is go to a site that downloads youtube videos, like "off liberty",download it,watch and delete afterwords.

you know if you guys want to give some games to a charity gamer,im always open...........(im serious my steam is RadioactiveSnake)

their not even using the new HOIC, it is probably to complicated for them,LOIC is the simpler one.just wish media would never use the word hacker again unless for good, Hacking and Cracking are 2 different things. Hacking is tinkering, creating, and improving something. Cracking is tinkering, creating, and destroying

Another strong point is its characters—especially insofar as their motivations. Everyone has their own secrets which dictate their actions in Beyond the Boundary—though many are far from what they appear to be on the surface. Best of all, Beyond the Boundary is one of the few anime out there that isn't afraid to use

Now playing

you should hear her original mass effect song,its pretty epic! (the piano part <3)

you dont have to level up much to buy stuff online eg planes tanks etc.also the problem then is to increase payouts,That may have been a problem for you but i didn't mind it at all.I dont give a crap if people hack its when i dont want to hack and people,without permission,just send me modded stuff.Do what you wanna

this is so fucking stupid! you would think they would have a limit to the amount of money they can gift you (max 1 mil) and that the other person had to accept that money.I got 173 million and it renders gta online useless to me.i dont want to spend it because it could be seen as me being just as bad as the

looks like her face was sculpted by

last of us?

Off topic: Just to let you guys know but JC2 is only 3 euro on steam! if you havent got it already and the MP mod is free! Amazing!

this is one for me to remember and replay again and again,i had only saw bioshock once and that was on xbox live,i taught it was a horror game and when i saw this i was pleasantly surprised. Picked i up and had no regrets with my purchase,would buy it again if i could.

i still dont get it,why do people say half full? if its full its full it cant be half full. Its like people who say ill dig half a hole,how can you do that?!? every time you dig you create a hole.

if you would have said to me last year "do you think minecraft will come to ps3?" i would have said "definitetly not". weird how things can change though,probably involved alot of *chaching* also great timing for ps3 kids for Christmas.Man mojang are making bank.

They guy said himself it was a 780 in the comments

if charzard was a 94 year old woman livging in a farmhouse it would look like.....

for me skyrim got very boring near the 20=30 hour mark.It might just be my attention span but i lost interest and i cant even remember what happened. so if i was ever to go back to it i might aswell start again.

i think the best way to say it is "microsoft exclusive" as its not on macintosh or linux just windows and xbox.

nothing but father ted puts a smile on your face xD

Pandafresh,your dead to me,Its Link not zelda and also its master chief not halo wtf halo is not a character xD

wtf are those shoes xD