
Joanna Lumley beat her to it.

These have a real '70s Frazetta vibe going on.


I was thinking of an Albacore Accelerator...

That's interesting. I always thought that "dashboard" meant the piece you would dash your brains out on back in the day before airbags and seatbelt laws.

Except, that referred to the "record collection" not the actual discs which were usually called "LPs" or "45s". The "record collection" could occasionally include cassette tapes too, because it was all recorded music.

Yeah, it was a brain fart on my part.

It gets better. Film width was in Metric millimeters, usually 35mm, 16mm, and two or three flavors of 8mm. But the length was in Imperial feet.

Well, it does still get recorded.

An old one that goes back to before (probably) any of us here were born is the dashboard of a car. It goes back to an actual board on a carriage that protected the riders from mud and dirt kicked up, or dashed, by the horses.

Computer radio buttons, so called because older car radios had buttons that would only let you have one thing selected at a time.

wrong number is the English term.


Just heard one of our network techs says "let's hook up your wireless"

I don't think there's an English equivalent, but if you dial (ah um...) the wrong number and the person answers, in the Netherlands it is still acceptable to say "Verkeerd verbonden" ("connected wrongly") as if there still is an operator plugging cables in a giant bakelite console and its all her fault. not my fault!

It's funny that we use the term drive and driving for vehicles when those terms specifically related to beasts of burden. Also Horsepower. that what the thumb is supposed to be? I always thought it was just a really big, clunky phone. Or like, supposed to mimic the shape of the old phones that were kinda curved.

"Hanging up" a phone. I don't know anybody who has an old rotary phone that disconnects once you put it back into its cradle.

Reminds me of this:

Do people still call it the glove compartment/glove box? How long has that been outdated? Or do people really still store their driving gloves in there? Maybe we should go ask Jalopnik.