Why does this article keep appearing on io9? It's hardly their area.
Why does this article keep appearing on io9? It's hardly their area.
Why does this article keep appearing on io9? It's hardly their area.
Why does this article keep appearing on io9? It's hardly their area.
"The OP could absolutely be perpetrating a hoax"
I've heard the soundtrack to the French TV one. It's by Mogwai and is rather good. I have it queue'd on netflix but haven't got round to watching it yet.
I was going to say that.
Yeah, its a technique to use if things are further apart than your spirit level is long. The picture might illustrate the method well but doesn't give an impression of when to use it.
Walk on the outer edge of the stairs. They're always creakiest if you step in the middle. Ask any burglar ;)
My first year of college came right after my sister's last so She got a new computer for her final year that she passed on to me to leave home with. That was in 1998 so it was a 1997 windows desktop running (at the time) windows '95.
I just drink tea, I'm not a connoisseur about it. If I can't taste the difference either way then I'll do the one that doesn't drip all over the floor out of the sheer convenience of not having to clear it up ten times a day.
I've never heard that.
Why not squeeze it? It stops you getting drips all over the kitchen.
To keep your knees cool?
I think there's two ways to enjoy a story. One with knowing how it turns out, one without.
I have the BBC iPlayer Radio app on my phone set to go off an hour before I need to get up, then the alarm set for that time.
Of just dump you randomly somewhere on the planet, as the TARDIS is wont to do.
I was one.
The sound output on MacBook's is pretty bad…
Basically :)