Girls and Corpses magazine?
Girls and Corpses magazine?
I'm pretty sure all CEOs of giant companies do coke. And are sociopaths. I think it's part of the job description.
The best part is that it's from a children's book.
That is one of the scariest things I've ever seen.
This immediately came to mind:
The world needs more creeps. Nothing wrong with that. :)
OMG. When she climbs on the unstable chair to clean their lighting fixture I always yell at my tv. BECAUSE MORTY IS TALL AND COULD PROBABLY REACH WITHOUT STANDING ON A RICKETY ASS CHAIR.
Super fun time wow!
The Daily Kawaiidesu, With John Stewart-Chan.
"Get in my mouth, delicious melodies!"
For Whom The Chime Tolls by Metallicka
This is the only piece of information that has ever made me want to join Vine.
Damnit, McKellen.
and this...
no, it's more like this......
The transformation is complete, young Bieber is worthy of the iron throne.
News aggregation and entertainment. A soup kitchen I used to cook at would tweet needs and people would come by to donate them (fastest turn-around from tweet to donation was 20 minutes). Connectivity isn't inherently negative, it just depends on who you connect to.