I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO EXCITED. I'm so... scared?
I'M SO EXCITED. I'M SO EXCITED. I'm so... scared?
Break out your dress made of curtains and a good Austrian wine (may I suggest a grüner veltliner?)! It's time for…
Aziz Ansari sari not sorry.
if I was wearing a fancy dress, this be me
So bored. Very sit. Much Lena. Many snores.
Poor Bruce
Am I the only one that immediately thought of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs?
"Yes. So beautiful..."
He lived very close to my parents! My little brother is a reporter for our hometown newspaper, and spend a good chunk of his first few months on the job covering Elwood's rise to fame. Oh small town newspaper! What will he write about now?!
I will remember youuuuuuuuuuuuu
Is it just me or does he look just like Stitch?
Goodbye Elwood! Your exposed tongue legacy will live on in Miley Cyrus.
I thought you meant a Nutella candy bar, something like this:
Yup. I was raised Catholic. Fastest ticket to atheism anyone can get.
Yea, but in fairness tho that's probably more actual singing than Britney Spears does these days.
Was it even in the same place? Look at the difference in the sidewalks.
Beyonce has super-powers, Laura. A song that would be terrible if anyone else sang it is somehow immensely moving. I've tried to read the lyrics and then separate them from the sound of her voice, but it's impossible. Illuminati.