
@robcapazzi: If you buy an iPhone it'll have to be big enough to wear around your neck and still be functional.

@robcapazzi: You'll never be cool until you wear a clock around your neck.

@mcderek3000: They still care about the PC crowd. Been updating DAO and if any problems arise with ME2 which is obvious it will they'll take care of that too.

41% of males' primary console is the Wii?

@deanbmmv: Nope, PC gamers are just smart enough to not waste natural resources buying a retail copy. Most PC gamers get their games through digital distribution. PC gaming is alive and it's never going to die.

Why can't they just offer it without excess work from the consumer? Are all the boxarts already printed?

@dowingba: Maybe he plays without pants, or he has a catheter that hangs out at all times.

@uncle_paul: I don't even know what to say to you...

@uncle_paul: Okay, first of all I never defended Hufford's comment, I was just laughing at Kryptolojik's.

@uncle_paul: All of that stuff that you listed is optional and not required for play.

@Kryptolojik: Longevity of the PS3, that's funny. The PS3 only has longevity because it has no library and no community.

@LaneWinree: They even state in their FAQ they use synths

@Resuriko: Way too many California Kotakuites for it to get interesting.

@ShaggE: Cracking Eggs Of Wisdom: Did I mention anything about the watch, beanie or parka? Shit, that boot isn't even made for snow, so good luck with that.

@Atheist Jew: You must be using the crappiest adblock extension then. Go get ABP, it has a disable and enable button that will temporarily allow popups or whatever you want.

@ShaggE: Cracking Eggs Of Wisdom: This is SNOWBOARDING gear. You've obviously never been snowboarding or else you'd know about the quality of Burton and Dakine.

@Kitsune Sniper: Depends on what vet you go to I guess. My vet gives vasectomies for guys so I assume they give tubal ligations for females but I could be wrong.