Agreed, unless you can see the hunk of lamb on the spit and them shaving it off, assume the gyros meat is frozen and pre-sliced.
Agreed, unless you can see the hunk of lamb on the spit and them shaving it off, assume the gyros meat is frozen and pre-sliced.
What I got out of that part was that even from a young age, she was determined to stick out even failed ventures until the end, no matter how publicly she was failing.
When both of those games came out with black protaganists for their second entries, I’ll admit, i was a little disappointed! I prefer playing as white men. But at the same time I do think it was great to see diversity in games. I just didn’t buy either of them.
Yes, all of this. Christ, this is a Soviet Russia-level of a parade of red flags.
Exactly. I’d say go to neither and buy from a spice shop like Penzey’s. Good stock turnover so it’s not stale, plus great quality.
Or smooth out the top with a knife when you’ve taken out what you need, then pour a little olive oil on top to cut oxidation.
And those berry containers are huge. Unless the kids are double-fisting berries in sugar-seeking rampages, that stuff tends to get moldy pretty quickly.
Excessive amounts of vitamin C intake can cause that, because vitamin C is water-soluble and you pee it out. You probably had extremely acidic urine.
Replacing food with water will certainly cut your ability to take in calories, especially with all that time spent in the bathroom peeing.
I don’t see that app. There appears to have been one at one time, but no results nowin the iOS app store, at least.
Probably “quim” - that word let Loki in the first Avengers movie get away with calling Black Widow a cunt (“mewling quim”) onscreen.
30 books was what she has; she hasn’t set that as a hard limit.
I’m still thinking there’s a chance she could be imprisoned by them. They’re batshit enough.
Did you gloss over the ball-grabbing? Ass-grabbing? Humping? At a frequency where it was just expected behavior out of him after a while?
I’m with you. I actually bought but did not play Until Dawn because I read about jump scares.
One of the few horror movies that I really deeply enjoyed, Seven, (or “Se7en” if you must) did have one jump scare that I recall. As used, it only added to the sheer horror of what was going on in the scene, and worked in…
I’ve heard, and love, this advice regarding relationships that one partner won’t allow to end (through suicide threats or wearing someone down or what have you): “It’s a relationship, not a hostage situation.”
My husband and I are GenX. He went to a Catholic church (and associated school) with at least one predator priest during his time there. The kids knew something was wrong with him, they had a derogatory nickname for him. My husband was 12ish or so and was fortunately too old for this priest’s preference.
Agreed, I like a lot of styles, but may want to try something uncommon that catches my eye on a menu. Lately I’ve been wanting to just try beers that I’ve never had before, and I’d need a menu to sort that out.
I went to a breastaurant-style place called “Twin Peaks” (ba-dump-tish) for a friend’s birthday party, and you had to specifically ask for beer to not be iced. They advertise that they serve beer at 28 degrees, running it through some kind of chilled line right before serving. You literally get a coating of beer slush…
I cried my eyes out at the end of that game. Just outright sobbed.