
Considering it’s by the same maker... yes?

The article was about women seeing Gunter regarding their quite normal vaginal situations, at the urging of their male partners.

From the article: “Gunter, in an essay for the New York Times, recounts the stories of many patients who have cried on her examining table because their (usually male) partners have told their them that there is something wrong with their (healthy, normal) vulvas or vaginas.”

In other words, dudes couldn’t handle a

Some women prefer/need the extra support from an underwire.

Could have just been the breed. Or maybe they were brined prior to packaging. There are a lot of factors in play.

Agreed. “It’s not as bad as it used to be” means “stop bothering me about my drinking.”

That’s the detail you’re hung up on? Statements are being made via Twitter, of freaking course they’re not delving into every nuance of how HR decided she was also to blame in a dude sexually harassing her.

She was made to sign a document claiming responsibility for HER inappropriate behavior. That’s not mindblowingly-inappropriate enough?!

Best of luck to you. Mine has been life-changing and I’m still so glad we found something that works.

Many states do not have a legal definition of “rape” (“statutory rape” is a notable exception) but rather break it down into degrees (first, second, third, etc.). Sometimes the degrees involve force/weapons/incapacity in the definition. Similarly, “molestation” is frequently not used as a legal term; that would

From what I’ve read, it’s basically a migraine that’s confined to your retina.

MSG is a natural substance, too - might want to cut out tomatoes, parmesan, soy sauce, mushrooms, grapes, and other items if it’s one of your triggers.

I’m on the Mirena; it’s fabulous. My life is so much better now.

“Scintillating scotoma” or ocular migraine are the terms for those. I used to get them as a precursor to an actual migraine; now that I’m on Mirena (hormonal IUD) they’re the only reminder that I used to get migraines.

Getting a Mirena implanted saved me. I was up to one migraine a week and then a continuous migraine lasting throughout my period. Mirena knocked it out such that the worst I’ve had is just some scintillating scotomas (those sparkly light shows followed by a blind spot, lasting about 20 minutes), without the follow-up

> Not that Page was raped or anything,  

They’re actually required to get insurance through the Obamacare exchange. The “Congressional exemption” actually means they’re treated like a “small business” and thus forced to go through the exchange (with a partial employer stipend) or can opt out and purchase their own or go under a spouse’s coverage. http://www.n