Keep scrolling, he was talking about the sequel.
Keep scrolling, he was talking about the sequel.
Thousand Island Dressing is a lightly tangy salad dressing that has a creamy base and some sort of tomato/chili sauce mixed in (along with other ingredients), turning it a light orange color.
I haven’t tried it a whole lot, but it seemed to work the couple times I looked? Maybe it’s hit-or-miss.
If you start up the News app, you can scroll through and choose from (easily) several dozen source and topic suggestions that are then used in your Spotlight news feed.
I’m surprised your winning tale didn’t result in a ‘gimp bag’ too!
I’d guess that considering the amount of blood flow to both “head” areas, both would bleed pretty furiously from even small wounds.
I believe the poster is questioning whether there are any attorneys, perhaps who might be a fan of the Jezebel site (and thus probably well-disposed towards the victim), who might assist in defending this woman if Johnson retaliates for her breaking the agreement.
You too, can learn how to look like you have pinprick pupils due to overly-bright illumination reflection!
No way, fuck all of that stuff.
I realized the reason I couldn’t pick my favorite season is that I really don’t like any of them.
I do know that much. :) Was asking more about styles since apparently bourbon is not whiskey, Scotch is not whiskey, etc. - even though they are technically whiskeys.
I dunno, he’s willing to waste taxpayer money on the Bucks?!
I like the way you think.
Ugh, yeah. Sorry, little bit of subconscious denial going on there.
Yeah, I assume they’re trying to be funny. But considering what else they’ve written - and seemingly thought was funny - it really puts that purple prose in a worse light.
“I like my baristas like I like my coffee - bitter, uncompromising, and difficult to find.”
Sports content: He was enough of an idiot to push and approve $250 million in public funding for a Bucks stadium (while wanting to cut $300 million from the UW system budget).
I swear Fighting Bob LaFollette has been doing high-RPM grave spinning over the last several years or so. WTF, Wisconsin?
Yup yup, heard the “I work for a living” phrase a lot, though it’s been ages since I’ve been called a Commie, thanks. ;) I was translating for fellow civilians, so it was technically accurate - hey, it’s right there in the name - if not culturally so.
Frankly, if it’s a choice between spicy and aggressively bland, I’ll err on the side of spicy. At least the latter has some kind of seasoning. Using black pepper is considered being wild by some yet, and I even had a relative who insisted it was unhealthy for you to eat.