
A former colleague had a bloody-pawed dog after a run on a cold, salt-crystal-strewn sidewalk as well. She noticed her dog was lagging on the jog and turned back to see bloody prints. :( She felt like crap, carried her (not small) dog home, and was careful about using boots after that.

Same thing happened to me, my boyfriend of two years ghosted me. I held on out of disbelief and desperation for a while, then finally wrote him a nicer-than-he-deserved letter telling him how pissed I was. He wrote me back a rather genuine-seeming letter several months later, confessing his cowardice and regret over

I’m a native English speaker and learned French as my first foreign language in college; when I tried learning some Italian (for a trip) and now Spanish, I find I get similar “interference” from both the English and French.

Probably expected her to shut up like a good little customer servant. :(

Heard a high school teacher say that to an Asian student in his class. She was class valdedictorian - and born in the US. Bonus points: He was a pale-skinned immigrant from Europe who’d come to the US maybe 25 years prior and still had a thick accent.

I heard it best as something to the effect of, ‘of course mothers/parents know how to push your buttons; they’re the ones who installed them.’

I love this idea!

I’ve used melted wax (leftover candles, warmed in a pot on the stove) and those plain cotton pads used for makeup removal. Hold a corner of each pad with tweezers, dip into the wax, let cool and harden while out on parchment paper/etc. They’re less messy to store than if you use vaseline.

For me it does, except for the more insistent panhandlers that get in everyone’s face. My natural resting bitch face probably doesn’t hurt, either.

This. Chicago’s system is only partially underground but the connectivity seems very good when I use it.

Yeah, Chobani is crap. Long live Fage!

Aluminum on your armpits is not a bad thing.

Aluminum on your armpits is not a bad thing.

Hah, love it:

Semi-pedant here, though it’s been a long, long time since I looked over the DSM criteria. BPD was a good catch. Mix in some serious abuse from him (used to be physical, ongoing emotional/mental) and that’s why I was leaning toward either narcissistic or even sociopathy. For bipolar disorder, instances of

This. I have an inlaw who I alternate between thinking has bipolar disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, or even sociopathy. He schmoozes the hell out of people until they deny him something, and then he turns on them.

Friend of mine did that, except it was her elopement wedding/honeymoon in the USVI. Ouch.

It’s a fairly impressive-looking tome, as well. Really looks like it could be a prop from one of his movies.

Ah! I have a friend who has and loves that cookbook (unironically, and he’s worked in the restaurant business for years), and he’s the first person I ever heard about it from! Glad to know other people these days appreciate it too.

Plus I’ve seen news stories here in the U.S. about high school students who get acceptance letters to all of the Ivy League colleges, so one where a student was dual-admitted would definitely get attention.

Ours ended up in my inlaws’ chest freezer in the garage. It’s probably still there because FIL doesn’t throw anything out, even after a power outage, and I don’t like cake enough to eat it the next day, much less a year later... Oh and I’ll put my vote on the turkey being “freeze-dried” dessicated turkey jerky.