I tipped a lot from our last delivery place (prior to moving out of their range) precisely because we did live so close; I felt seriously lazy not going to pick it up.
I tipped a lot from our last delivery place (prior to moving out of their range) precisely because we did live so close; I felt seriously lazy not going to pick it up.
Nah, I'm pretty sure it's the other way around - murderous people go into fields where you have opportunities to kill people.
Some Buddhists will eat vegan food much of the time or at certain times of the year. Since it was a Japanese restaurant doing this, I suspect its customer base is an overlap of vegans for other reasons, Buddhists and/or Japanese people, and idiots like the woman in the original story.
Hearing people try to talk others into having kids terrifies me. I've never really wanted kids and the way a sister-in-law tried to harangue us into having kids made me suspect it was a "misery loves company" situation.
Yup. My husband and I are childless by choice and now in our 40s; when we married he sort of maybe wanted a kid but knew my feelings (realized in my early teens that I didn't want kids), and just asked me to be open-minded to possibly changing my mind. He's the one who changed, to not wanting them either.
Your dachshund might not have wanted you to see him pass; he might have held on until you left.
That's another thing, too - everyone has a different timeline on when they're ready. For my husband and I, it was two weeks, and we knew right away we made the right choice, and still think so nearly five years later. That's not right for most people, though.
Aw, I'm sure she was a very good girl. What a timely article; a good friend just had to put his dog to sleep yesterday, and he's grieving the loss right now. This dog was his buddy during a long, nasty fight with cancer (in remission still, knock wood) and when his pooch contracted terminal cancer, I know it hit my…
Speaking as a vegetarian, that's an insane way to order that variation.
That's kind of splitting hairs. Depending on the definition (botanical vs culinary), tomatoes are fruits or vegetables, but I think when you're talking food, calling both tomatoes and mushrooms "vegetables" isn't too much of a stretch.
Granted, I started wondering when I just saw pics of dudes on the front page, but I thought well, maybe there was some kind of referrer cookie or something from the main link (I didn't really look at it when I clicked the link) that basically set it to "guy mode". I didn't even watch the video, it's strange that…
I found it in About | FAQ where it talks about helping guys/men. I mean, I get why that's easier to do for guys, but I'd like a little help as well and was hopeful.
Damn. For men only.
Geez. I sort of did this at a tiny little restaurant but only because I was at the "chef's table" (two seats right at the prep counter looking into the kitchen, literally only a few feet from the chef and talking with him and his sous chef intermittently during the meal), and their policy on vegetarian entrees was…
*2* gulps? I can see one, but he went back for more piney badness?
I almost hope that's embellished because I'm not sure I want to live in a world where a whole family thinks that's acceptable to put in sweet tea.
Disagree, or fight? Because I haven't fought (argued strongly) too many more times than that during my marriage, and I've been married longer.
Thanks, I appreciate this very thorough advice!
I'm a middle-aged woman who's basically out of shape and with pretty crappy upper body strength; I used to be more fit back in high school/college but now I can't even do a situp or normal pushup. I'm on track with my weight, but what is a decent way to improve strength and muscle tone/amount in short workouts? I…
I certainly hope I don't.