
I use them for heating my lunch at work.

Perhaps she'll consider writing an article like a grown-up instead of someone who needs to resort to a comment like that.

#2 specifically mentions "public social space". That's not work. Yes, it's possible to develop a relationship at work, but this means you really shouldn't treat work the same as you'd treat the bar. And trying to rules-lawyer that point - while ignoring that making eye contact and smiling at work more times than

Alternately, make sure your car was not painted with "Stealth Bomber" leftover paint, as joked about by a friend whose car was rear-ended while stopped at a stopsign/light about four different times.

BTDT, except it was my father-in-law who took off our passenger side mirror. And of course he didn't see the big deal. Just because he treated his cars like they were a POS doesn't mean we wanted to do so with ours.