You’re right. Goku Kakkarot Sanchez should help him through the high school years.
You’re right. Goku Kakkarot Sanchez should help him through the high school years.
That Exotica link at the bottom is fantastic. Not only does it show other covers that he did but also has quotes from him about his work. Check the one for Choplifter 3:
People who are shopping for stocking stuffers in January — show yourselves.
People who are shopping for stocking stuffers in January — show yourselves.
PoE was in August’s monthly selection.
PoE was in August’s monthly selection.
Civ VI came out in 2016... that’s more than 3 months...
Civ VI came out in 2016... that’s more than 3 months...
I know these games came out awhile ago, but damn, anyone into PC gaming who is not subscribing to HB.... that’s just silly.
I know these games came out awhile ago, but damn, anyone into PC gaming who is not subscribing to HB.... that’s just…
Spot on. Know your audience, as the saying goes.
I’m a fighting game player. I’ve played with the same group for over a decade. We drink and smoke when we play. If I had to classify the setting, I’d go with “’hood as fuck”. And I don’t mean “bunch of straight white kids who think dropping the n-bomb is fun”. The…
Awesome joke, but the glasses-adjusting-geek in me cannot really let slide the fact that there are no Dark Knight characters in FFVI.
When someone is killed by a drunk driver, the place that sold him the alcohol and the car dealership don’t also get punished.
Since istari rises has seen fit to dismiss my replies, I thought I’d copy them here. I’m including their relevant posts; I’d prefer not to mischaracterize the exchange:
The fact that a fair percentage of Kotaku readers are probably too young to get that reference makes my bones hurt.
It’s all fine and well (and even admirable) that you’re able to laugh at yourself—or at jokes that reference conditions you have. However, you, as an individual, don’t have the right to speak for others in terms of what they are or are not bothered by.
It’s also worth noting that blackface has its roots in some…
If you’re suffering from depression, isolation, or any other situation that makes you feel as if it’s not worth getting up in the morning, please know you are not alone, and there is help. Please, reach out; your life is worthwhile, and you are worthy. Don’t ever forget that.
This video (and others like it)…
Honestly, I think it’s 2B/Nines, Makoto fro_ P5, or ma4be even Yur>>i>..>>.#@3&6^ fifhs....??>>>>>
OG Black label discs are even better
See, I figured she was talking about the game when she said “Zelda”, and then just went with it when everyone lost their shit.
Don’t think I just didn’t send her a friend request.
Or could be my create-a-wrestler I used to use back in the early 2000's... Syko Manatee