
Stay classy, NFL fans.

At first I thought he just hesitated, and that resulted in the awkward jump. But if you focus on his feet alone, he definitely gave his best leap. Wow.

You should write a book which compiles a list of all things that matter and all things that don't matter. I'll check it out at the library.

The coroner's a looser that drives like a granny!!!!

"Mike Priefer also said on multiple occasions that I would wind up burning in hell with the gays, and that the only truth was Jesus Christ and the Bible."

"a wise coach once told me there are two things you don't talk about in the NFL, politics and religion."

"I'm not gay. Really, I like women"

I wish I didn't see all of these comments saying that he's actually passed away, so that I could wish him well. I'm not above anyone and I don't want to sound pretentious, but I'm going to pass on the video this time.

These modern day urban warrior type UFC fans sure were squeamish over this, considering Kevin Ware's live televised injury was far more grotesque.

Ah, a non-union Fedex employee. You can really see the spring in his step and the smile on his face, and how he's outproducing the unionized competition. He is John Galt.

Hey thick skinned, anarchist badass UFC guys: Kevin Ware's injury was twice as gruesome.

I'm a Raider fan, and I've always marked this game as the end of the dominant Raider era, or at least the beginning of the end. The Raiders had a good year in '85, but it was probably just as well that they choked against New England in the playoffs and didn't have to face this same Bears team in the Super Bowl. It

Great article. Go A's.

"Marrrry Marrrrry....Whyyyyy ya buggin'"

Every human interest piece should start off with the jazz score from Taxi Driver. Should be law.

Post racial non-racism.

Identity of "this_hot_body" revealed:

Angry, undermining, noted marijuana user.

My old bedroom has since been a room occupied by other siblings that are unemployed and have to live with my mother. All due respect, this seems like a story out of the pre-recession era, or for folks still doing pretty well. Spare bedroom? What is that?