
The Sims has needed Fuck Buddies for a long time. Just because a Sim sleeps with another Sim shouldn’t automatically make them a romantic interest forever. There should be multiple levels of it depending on what the arrangement is: friends with benefits, booty caller, etc.

Oh, well I never set my cursor to memory. So yeah, I really did manage every attack and command. I just didn’t like how in XII that I could set the gambits and basically just walk through an area. Also, Penelo really creeps me out.

That context doesn’t make it any better at all! Holy Shit!

I really wanted to like XII. I just got so bored with it after several hours of watching it play itself. After watching my friends play it, and you get pass the honestly pretty rough first part, I really enjoyed IX.

If you have stainless steel you should never wash it in any citrus. It will rust.

If you have stainless steel you should never wash it in any citrus. It will rust.

Tell me about it. I bought a house built in the late 70’s and it apparently had the world’s worst wannabe contractors doing things.

I think there’s a huge difference between an intentionally ambiguous ending and a game the just stops. One is intentional, the other is lazy writing/an unfinished game. One example of lazy writing is Blue’s ending in SaGa Frontier. Suddenly your pitched battle with Hell Lord just stops. The colors fade out and The End

Depends on the cheese, but in general you should cover the sandwich which will encourage the cheese to melt. I put a lid over the pan, but a small metal bowl could also be used.

Guys can be pregnant in The Sims. If your male sim gets abducted by aliens there’s a chance he’ll come back pregnant and give birth to an alien baby. This only happens to male sims.

I’ve been using the MX Revolution and G15 combo for years. Though I might end up taking the MX with me to work to avoid carpal tunnel from the tiny tiny mouse they issued me.

There’s a NEW Sonic Boom! As if the first one wasn’t warning enough!

Yes, Major Nelson says the collection has 10,000 gamerscore attached to it.

Perhaps it’s a bit of a faulty memory, but at least the area immediately surrounding the death hamper always had a bit of a smell....

Regular diapers are great even though they do end up costing more! Which ones you buy is going to depend on preference and if your baby has reactions to some over others. My son had an issue with Pampers in that they weren’t absorbent enough so there were... messes. Luvs tended to have a perfuming agent which my wife

Pair it with Google Cardboard for extra pants pooping.

Let me tell you something no one told me: keep wipes everywhere. Keep a box in your car, keep a box near the changing area, keep a box in your diaper bag - everywhere you can keep wipes. There are few things worse than your baby having a blowout and running out of wipes or diapers.

Chances are really good that you won’t get food poisoning IF you 1) wash everything that has or will touch meat. 2) Wash your hands a LOT during prep - every time you put your knife down or change tasks. You basically can’t wash your hands too much. 3) Learn how to judge doneness without crutches like thermometers or

Why do I get the feeling that the people saying they don’t want Windows 10 (and therefore want to hide the icon forever) are going to be the same people screaming and crying about not having enough warning and upgrading being too expensive when Windows 7 goes off support?

Every time I see one of those countdown timers I’m secretly hoping that they’ll release the actual game at the end of it. Like boom, Fallout 4: here you go. Internet broken and everyone too busy playing FO4 to give a stuff about anything at E3.

It’s confusing them with Chihuahuas. Easy mistake to make, really.