
The only time I still wash in HOT is when I’m using the sanitize setting if someone in the house has been sick.

Psychonauts, last level. All of a sudden what was a fun and quirky adventure game becomes a time limited platformer with the worst camera ever. It’s the only time I can remember getting so mad I started hammering the keyboard in fury. I had to put the game away for weeks before finishing it (after buying a gamepad).

Next thing you know, this guy will be putting axes all over the office that hold up the floors and installing lava moats. Never trust a Bowser.

I think you won that one as a 3 kind of looks like a butt or a sideways sack, both of which are totally appropriate for Ubi.

Eneloops are great! I also find the Amazon Basics Rechargables are just as good (because they are rebranded last-gen Eneloops) and usually significantly cheaper.

Eneloops are great! I also find the Amazon Basics Rechargables are just as good (because they are rebranded last-gen

The tenant that skipped rent on me declared bankruptcy immediately after moving in so she was totally untouchable. Couldn’t re-rent it until she moved out and couldn’t sell it after since the market crashed and it was suddenly worth half of what I had paid for it. I still haven’t really recovered from that financially.

I’m probably the only person who was hoping the villain would actually be Jar-Jar Binks so he could be definitively killed.

I just bought this for my brother on his birthday. He loved the infinity engine games... it’ll be months before I hear from him again - LOL.

I don’t think that’s a bug. Men could get pregnant in the Sims 3. It was the only way to have an alien baby.

My ex-girlfriend always called that place Sheet’s & Sh*t. Much more catchy.

I think the cashiers are supposed to see who is in line “together” and enforce it that way. They’re way too busy for that so the policy doesn’t work too well if there’s a lot of people checking out, but if they’re not busy we still get the one coupon per family per visit line. I prefer to shop at Joanne’s with that

Your mileage may vary. After they abandoned their own loyalty program, the Michaels near us adoped a strict one coupon per family per visit no exceptions policy. It’s super unwelcoming and the staff does not care.

Walmart To-Go saves Mrs Stormgull a lot of sanity by avoiding carting our three-year-old through any store. Just show up, have them load the stuff in the trunk, then go. Doesn’t get much simpler than that. So far, all the produce that we’ve ordered that way has been good so I suspect they actually train someone in how

Kind of. Free-roaming, natural bison are dwindling. But they grow them for meat purposes like cattle, too. Bison is delicious as long as you realize that it is extremely lean and is therefore really easy to overcook.

This is a great post and I used a similar method when I lost weight many years ago, so I know that it works. I find myself in a similar position of needing to lose weight, but I'm not sure how to go about it now that I'm married with kids and don't control the menu all the time. Any tips on that?

Prey: You are a Native American Indian that joined the army and are no longer in touch with they ways of your tribe. After the aliens come, you must get in touch with the old magics to fend off the invaders and rescue your girlfriend. You are the only one who can.

This shouldn't bug me, but the hole in the tattoo should be over his eye and not some random place on the side of his head. Maybe this ranger is some impostor who stole Boo from the real Minsc!

I'd be cautious about the roomba with pets, especially if you leave them out while you're gone. If your pet has an accident while the roomba is running you might have a much bigger mess to clean up.

12 If thy game is of similar quality to the droppings of horses, thou shalt not blame thy poor sales on the brigands. Thy game was shit before the highwaymen arrived; and shit it remains. Amen.

That's trademarks you're thinking of. Copyright enforcement is at the discretion of the rights holder. Trademarks are defend em or lose em.