
Word on the street is mostly right so far. My brand new model LG has a freakish component/composite hybrid port and only one. I think I have a splitter box that might work for that. Just nuts that these ports are going away.

I use shopgoodwill for my collecting. Too many places know what their stuff is worth so you end up paying full price for it. Garage sale-ing is a big gamble, sometimes with huge payoffs but usually not. The local game stores send employees to any garage sales mentioning video games or electronics and buy up the lot as

My only complaint about these Contego mugs is that the lids can sometimes be very difficult to remove. My wife can't even do it, she passes them to me to open.

My only complaint about these Contego mugs is that the lids can sometimes be very difficult to remove. My wife can't

I think we also need to add on making curriculum a federal thing rather than a state thing (no more Alabama denying evolution in the classroom) and decrease class sizes by hiring more teachers. Smaller classes means more teacher time per student and a much higher chance of comprehension. The elimination of all state

I hear this argument from CC supporters that it's much better at teaching you the why of it and different ways to get there. However this kind of teaching will completely screw our kids when they get to college because college is and always has been about memorization rather than comprehension. There is some

That was way more a release date problem than a planned DLC issue. I seem to recall that KotOR II team was told they were getting no more money or time and to make the Holiday release extravagansa OR ELSE. So a race to finish as quickly as possible began resulting in the tragedy that was the last third of the game.

You know, I was watching ManyATrueNerd (an excellent youtuber, by the way) play Darkstar One and was practically screaming at the screen "MATCH SPEED, YOU TOOL!" He kept zooming away from the enemy at top speed, looping around and firing some more. Took way longer than it needed to.

I always thought rolling up your sleeve on that same medal screen to reveal your Secret Order of the Empire markings was a nice touch.

SPOILERS (of a classic 10+ year old game!)

I've build several myself and the cost savings isn't nearly as much is it used to be, but still worthwhile to guarantee quality components. It's definitely cheaper if you already have a Windows license to use but it certainly becomes less so when you have to shell out $100+ for an OEM license. One thing you can't

Yes. I went from spending several hours in TS3 building houses to the same process taking about one hour in TS4. Big improvements include: being able to easily resize rooms, being able to pick up and move entire rooms furniture and all - even while a sim is in it, much easier and more ability to place items vertically

I'd been considering getting a new AIO from them for this reason, but since it looks like I may be headed to Saudi Arabia soonish that may turn into a new powerful laptop instead. I didn't catch the MS Signature devices line reading through it the first time, my apologies on that one.

One thing to note is that if you're buying a new PC and don't want all the crap on it you might consider buying it from the Microsoft Store. All of their computers are guaranteed to be toolbar and crapware free. Yes, the irony that many people consider Windows itself to be crapware is not lost on me.

I concur with this, it's compact enough to travel with, cheap but not too cheap, and works absolutely everywhere. I can mouse on my couch arm, my pant leg, my toddler, or even my dog if I have to (it's a small couch, ok?)

Having spent some time living overseas, I can impart a little wisdom here. Your power brick will often tell you if a device is dual voltage, but not always. My PS3 for example swore it was 110V only, but a little online research revealed that Sony used 110/220V power supplies, so it worked fine with a simple plug

What the fuck did I just watch? My sanity! It's melting under the force of the strangeness! NOOOOO.

All this talk and not one mention of Ultima IX: Ascension. I think the SpoonyOne said it best with : BETRAYAL! This game promised to finish out the Avatar story and bridge the Ultima storylines. Instead it completely ignored all that happened before it and made some of the most touching moments completely irrelevant.

Is that a Miya Records type bootleg or just some burnt copy? The Miya Records ones can look indistinguishable from legit copies apart from the disc serial numbers.

I bought some Naruto DVDs many years ago that turned out to be really poor bootlegs. I love the subtitles on them though and still watch them. Hilarious. Believe it!