
Ya know what? I think I'm just going to file the game with Evangelion. The plot and dynamics leading up to the ending are great. The ending makes no God Damn Sense (tm).

I think this will fit the bill.

Yeah. Unless you have a database full of photographic IDs of people from da Vinci's time I don't think this is going to work. Like, at all. Concept fail.

I don't know how you can say it has no impact. I'm pretty sure they assign a budget and deadline to the project at a game level though and not split between MP and SP. Maybe they use some kind of weighting for projects that have MP or not?

They don't really have to be clones to be influenced by CoD. They don't even have to be FPSs. Just look at all the online multiplayer being added to games that had been single player previously. Is that all CoDs fault? No. Were the publishers influenced by the massive popularity of the online multiplayer in games like

Well, I meant one that fired actual bullets. Hence the arcade machine breaking after the first shot.

Eh, it's the same argument that people have been making against the Madden games. A new one comes out every year that's little more than a roster update and very occasionally a graphics boost.

Complete with functional sniper rifle. However, due to poor planning, the arcade box breaks after the first enemy.

Someone's going to buy some Plumber's Butt, I see.

"Whatever. No big deal. As stated, they aren't crafting the multiplayer gameplay INSTEAD of the single player story."

Looks like the Uncharted series just got...

I see your point and there is a time to move on. I liken ReTakeME3 to the projects that sprung up after the god-awful Ultima IX: Ascension came out. The one that completely ignored all Ultimas that came before and threw the leaked plot into the garbage. ALSO an EA product and one of the last to bear the Origin name.

Does Deadpool count as a zombie? (No, I don't mean Headpool).

So, was this their unexpected announcement?

Oh, okay. So a company should never listen to feedback from their paying customers.

So... you're saying you should blindly like and accept anything a company does to a game?

No, no. You're thinking of suicide attempts. You can only be successful once.

Funny. I always thought of suicide as the sort of trick you could pull only once.

That guy looks just like my boss.

That's an excellent point. There's no way to suspend them from that thing.